Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: New Update?

What does this new update entail? I've heard rumors about opening Gelebron's Tower, which I hope is true, because I just finished the quest.
Update 5 won't be for a while, because theyre working on the new game engine. Most likely a year, year and a half. Gelebron's tower will be opened in a future update, consisting of mainly ice mobs. Check out SHADOWKRAR's guide to future updates.
Gwydion: GraybeardHalt, Bow/Knucks/Spear Ranger, 130+
RogueHalt, Yentle, HoraceTheBear, Pesticide

Re: New Update?

Is there a link? I cant find

117+ Druid (Main) RedDogy
70+ Ranger
63+ Rogue
World: Morrigan
Clan: Looking for clan. (Old one was dead)
Current: Class Balance is a must!

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