by C4ptain
As long as I have played there has been scammers. Or the guys taking advantage of noobs. I myself bought a full chess collection for 1k! Except it wasnt even a full collection, and being a noob I just did not know better. Saved for days for that 1K too! Scammers the like of Boer99 was everywhere. Back then they were easy to recognize because the servers were not as full.
Most players were inexperienced anyway and higher levels generally ignored lower levels. (highest levels were like lvl 65) and we considered them to be godlike. As time progressed the amount of players increased and the entire culture of Gwydion changed. High levels were becoming more helpful to noobs, and yet more greedy against their own. It has become a way of survival.
I lost faith for a very long time. Scammers, untrustworthy, greedy, lying people. I quit playing. I got bored, came back, and it seemed worse. Only this time, I decided to give it a fair shot. I found those trustworthy folks again. The likes of 12ayne, BDA, Shep, War, Mart, Ally, Ror, Sim, Rimp(sheesh the list goes on and I am leaving folks out) made the game worth playing again.
They were always there, I just became blinded by the petty meanness of others. Do not let a few nasty ones spoil it for you. If you want to dice, pick the trustworthy ones. I had no issues with Lkiu, so vouch right there. Do not sell your account. Keep close to the good ones (your close friends) Use the message service or transfer yourself. Do not just expect people to be trustworthy. Unfortunately we do not live in that world any longer. We can have a safe gaming experience if we are simply careful and think clearly. Bad stuff will happen. Someone will ks your alt (or your main) someone will run away with the drop. Take a deep breath and remember. There are good ones. Also remember, being a high level does not automatically make you more trustworthy. it simply means more people know you. If you want to test someone's trustworthiness... Do so. Ask. Everyone, anyone. Get to know them. Safe gaming. xoxox
Other Alts:
CaptainsTank - Forgotten/Unused
CaptainsBank - Main Bank
CapsEvents - Event Bank
CaptainCrunch - Shop
Bacardi - Ranger
Silence... It's kind of nice