Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Wifi connection

My wifi connection is totally fine, this game was downloaded and updated with it. It just won't connect to world servers.

I have done my best to follow the suggestions of Luthias, but I'm no expert. The end users all have different degrees of knowledge, and none of them should be expected to have to change router settings or port settings.

Any game or app should be pick up and use, the user should not need to change anything.

But it would seem here that they only cater for the masses and care less for the minorities.

Re: Wifi connection

Still cannot get passed world select screen, any body out there had this problem on the iPad and got it sorted. I'm no expert when it comes to adding/changing ports and stuff like that. End users should not really be having to do this anyway, but any help would be great.


Re: Wifi connection

Right, after a bit of Google searching and with my limited knowledge, I can safely say the ports required for this game are now open.

Sadly I still get to the choose world screen and no further.

iPad software is upto date, router software is upto date and I have deleted and reinstalled the game many times but still no change.

Getting bit pissed off now tbh.

Re: Wifi connection

Sadly it would seem this the only game that will not run through wi-fi on my iPad.

Would really have liked to play it, but it looks like my only option now is just to delete it and warn people I know to not bother trying.
Well if its not working then delete it.
But no need to go around telling others not to play this game. Because it will probably work on their devices.

Re: Wifi connection

Don't think it's he iPad, downloaded this game on my phone and had same problem. Looks like it would work on 3G but my signal was low, actually got to choose a world but kept getting please try later message.

No, this something to do with this game and certain wi-fi connections. If I can I can it to actually run I will happily recommend this game as it is the sort of game I like to play. Until then if anyone asks me I will tell them of the problems I have encountered, and how the moderators are going out of their way to sort it out, and how some but not all forum users can be helpful.

Re: Wifi connection

I now know this a firewall problem with my router (belkin), with firewall turned off game works. As I don't want the firewall off, I just need to find out how to disable it for just the game or at the most my iPad.

Anyone able to help on this one please?


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