Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: croms finest?

i love how people say most are scammers and ksers. IM ASKING YOU NICELY. please list every name who scams and ks's/quest kills and they will be removed from my clan.
ill be surprised if anyone gives me any names.. please dont be a *** and lie :/ (bluespirit)
World: Crom
Clan: Seed
Turco level 221 Ice Mage
Demonology level 134 Rogue

Re: croms finest?

I blocked bnasty but people said if he saw me in area he would shout oh theres a f** in area
Noobs will be noobs.
The only way to deal with them is break their legs and shove it down their throats.
Block button doesnt keep this noob from talking sh*t.

Re: croms finest?

That doesn't change the fact that there all *** in that clan, ksers, arena quest killers, and possibly scammers...
Name - 5000 (5k)
Class - ranger
Lvl - 76+
Clan BadaBing

I am the Almighty PlayerOne from Crom, I quit there but this is merely just for my friends!

Why is there the need for hate?

Re: croms finest?

playerone you are so two-faced. one day you are my friend and the next day you're talking unfathomable. literally its every other day with you. Moderators please lock this thread now.
World: Crom
Clan: Seed
Turco level 221 Ice Mage
Demonology level 134 Rogue

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