"I don't care if you love ponies even if your already 14, it's nothing to be ashamed of. you should choose what you love b/c you love it, not b/c someone else force you to do so."
-Solid, around a year ago when we first met (in realife, used his ingame name for safety)
"You killed hrungir"
"Your the best high level I know"
- my fanboy
"How do you hit so high"
-random nooob
-server peeps
"So your telling me I just gave you four crowns and horns and you can't get the offhand quest"
- my cheif :'(
Winners train
Losers complain
We do work
Alskar Rosemerta
Supa....Druid 180 (I killed hrun weooo full dragon offhand and wep)
iBenYourBro....rouge 80+