I'd personally choose option three just so I can help out my friends and clannies haha. I plan to help on boss fights even after I repay people for helping me complete set, simply because they're fun.
And as for the "Accord" I already frown upon selling drops, and give away all those I don't need to people who need, so consider me in agreement.
I'd like to see if we can't come to an agreement in our classes of who to outfit next . . . For example we could all choose to help out XRogueX123 or DARKDRAGON66 simply because they are close to completing their sets and are active at boss fights. Then after that we can choose to gear Kapec, Vulture, Virulent, etc. . . . Whoever appears most active at fights. And so obviously if you're not first on the list, and you choose to not participate in fights since you know you won't get gear, you move farther down the list.
I know that would be hard to make work, especially with choosing the pecking order, but I think it would be the best approach. Especially since many who get a piece of dragonlord gear still use frozen sets at bosses because it isn't worth splitting up the set effect.