Ok first adds can rage which is problem 1 and 6 adds max, but yes i did mean to mention the multiple groups but it was 3am when i was writing this so umm yeah i wasnt thinking right lol.I was in the adds group and have this suggestion - multiple, smaller adds group. Position one on each side. Not much sense in have one big group running from side to side. It was hard to follow when the group split up and made healing the add tanks harder.
2nd of all the adds. They spawn quite often and on both sides of the boss. They are devastating with their skills so they should be taken out as quickly as possible. A rogue who has decent armour and health, a warrior who can hold aggro over that rogue and is in full tank build (for later on) at least 4 druids in this group to cover a wide variety of skills. This is for the main side of the adds.
Or does it make any sense to have multiple add groups and not kill the adds? Just keep them 'busy' the whole fight and pull them away from the main fight, especially if a lot of people are going to show up again.What are the max number of adds that can spawn?
So i would suggest either 2 adds groups or the adds in the corners to be taken out by a group of people win the area. Leaving the single group on the majority of adds.