Re: Noob hating
#11personally, I give stuff/money to noobs as long as its a reasonable request. if someone asks me for 10k+, it aint happening (unless theyre 150+ or a good friend)
Jawz || Lan || Spark
Nah mate sorry you never share candies with meHey shepie can i have 1k gold plz thanks.....
That comment.I was just waiting to see who would post something like thisI give away free stuff all the time. I keep a little running tally of the stuff that I give away. I have given away 10 orbs, 15 drags, countless superknows, and over 750k gold all for with no expectation of anything in return (though on occasion I do ask for a common chicken) but it is always to either a clan member or a trusted friend. Giving things away freely fills me with a certain sense of pride in that way that I think other of my friends take pride in having more gold than everyone else or higher levels than everyone else. I try to once a week go to Shalemont and ask random noobs if they need any help with quests. These acts of kindness are what make the game fun to me but I never give random stranger noobs anything for free. You have to draw the line somewhere.
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