Elvra, if you disagree and have said what you need to, great, but no need to come back again and again and act as though others are beneath your cognitive abilities...
I quoted you Elvra because you were so quick to demonize RedDogy and others that you actually failed to correctly interpret the meaning of his post. RedDogy said that without using lix, pot etc. (not specifically xp elixirs as you concluded, but rather energy elixirs, the speed of leveling is severely hindered, causing a significant bang-for-buck reduction when using xp elixirs. He was talking about having to wait around for out of combat for energy regeneration.
You are starting to seem as though you have an agenda. The rest of us (for the most part are simply, posting our experience and observation with the hopes that OTM might take notice and react. We understand now that OTM is aware of the situation and does not want to make adjustments at the present because of harsh past reaction (mainly due to things like the initial out of combat energy changes, which due to my 8 month hiatus I am still adjusting to myself). However, Elvra, historically Druid has been underrepresented on the forums, a place where many issues have been discussed and tweaked. This has meant some issues have persisted for Druids (energy, Spring of Life, staff/totem equitability, etc).
I suppose that is enough thread derailment... If you truly do not see any issues with Druid energy, then that is perfectly fine -- perhaps you have said what you need to on the topic.
Let's try to get back on track with this topic, as I want this thread to be a place where we can perhaps provide feedback to OTM towards resolution.
this thread should be locked. the subject wanted a response from OTM, and one was given. there is no point in continuing the discussion further as it is the same story over and over again. you cry, I wipe your tears and tell you how it really is. I'm running out of tissues over here guys.
Elvra, Its not a good one, OTM doesnt play Druids, and doesn't understand how hard it is. Id like you to play for three weeks. No lixes, pots, and only to regens. Maybe THEN you'll see how hard it is.
Let me make a few point before I go back to leveling, there is an Hrung helm waiting for me in the bank and I would like to strap it on by close of the month.
. First Point - all classes will be HARD to play if following your plat less request, not just druid. So don't sit there and make it out like we are any more special than the others.
. Second Point - if you cycle the past three months, and possibly the last year or more (whenever elix was implemented), through your pea brain a few times, you will begin to see a very distinct pattern emerge. Speed is required so we do not waste our elix. Now I have no problem thinking about your request and logically extrapolating the outcome, but you and many others do not, so I will do it for you.
--- If I do not use elixer, the line of speed leveling vanishes. This means I can take my time, stop to regen, hit the tavern, pop into the castle, maybe drop 100 gold onto a mage for a energy regen buff. When you take elix out of the equation ,your sustainability options increase.
I have more points but like I said I need to get to leveling.