There are times when the game we all know ans love gets boring
I've been in revenge for a few months now and I have come to know and love all the members of the clan
We have become great friends and I have nothing but love for all of them
Orignally this was goin to be my last week in clan I was going to leave and take a break from ch in general
I was getting tired of being with the samw ole people doing the same ole things
I would do nothing but sit and wait for a boss to be called and chat with a few friends here and there
But then the opportunity arose to join a new clan a fresh clan with all new people
I decided why not I'd give it a go maybe it would bring that spark back into my ch life
Leaving revnge for a new clan was personally hardest thing I ever done friends I talked to while I was doindoing it can vouch for that
You guys are my ch familyy but there is just a time to do something diffrent
I may get hate for this and I can understand why you guys gave me everything and I am truly geatful and in debt to all of you
I am now in a clan with people I dknt know and I can start this bonding experince wih them again
I left all secretyly because I'm not enough of a man to tell the people i love up front that I was leaving
I was even sceptical of making this post but its the right thjng to do
I hope you guys can forgive me and know I only did it to find joy in the game again
Not because of james but I'm happy to be in his clan
I've benen talking to friends telling them how much I regret it but I must go threw with it
I really don't want to take a break cuz I love this game and this just seems like the best option for ne personally
Love and sorrow
my leaving of revenge
#1Winners train
Losers complain
We do work
Alskar Rosemerta
Supa....Druid 180 (I killed hrun weooo full dragon offhand and wep)
iBenYourBro....rouge 80+
Losers complain
We do work
Alskar Rosemerta
Supa....Druid 180 (I killed hrun weooo full dragon offhand and wep)
iBenYourBro....rouge 80+