The only reason they join you is because you see SolarSunElite above someone's name and you automatically attempt to recruit them. You even tried to recruit my alt, which of course you wouldn't know, and I gladly turned it down. It's definitely adorable how your only intention is to bring my clan down so your clan can progress. It's an insolent motive but I can easily see it coming from the likes of you. You have no intention to "help people" at all.Wow arctic, i didnt know u lived such a sorry and pathetic life. Number 1, i couldnt care any less where players choose to go, thats their own business, i simply accept them as clannies and do what i can to help them get geared and have some fun, if they are leaving sse for a brand new clan it says a lot about the clan that you are running. My intent with this clan is to help people and to have fun, which we are doing. If you thought that me being chieftain of a clan would change the fact that i will always kill u on sight, you thought wrong.Hey, I think it's really cute that all your clan is for is promising gear to people that they'll never see. Quite nice!
You know, recruiting my clannies is probably your best idea yet. You think that you're so good by sucking them into your clan for gear, when guess what.. They'll just leave when they have what they want and come back to us!
Anyway, I would like for you to discontinue whispering me and my friends that you're going to be "a better clan than SolarSunElite" because guess what, we don't care!
Your attempts to "cover up" what you really do to people are thoughtless and pathetic.
Try again next time, mr. "neutral"!
Stay out of our threads if you dont have anything positive to say, admin should bann your account tbh for starting drama on the forums.
Clearly you refrain from realizing what I am trying to point out.I will say this I have not had a problem with anyone from ronin I do not count ronin however I have had solarsuns ks me and when I was making run into catacombs some noob wanted help on one of the bosses for quest and the solarsun wouldnt group him the guy was lvl 100 something. This does not mean the whole clan is like that but, if you are gonna criticize take a look at your own clan first and see what you are doing wrong i you are loosing members. If you see something good in another clan then hey emulate them. Anyways the origional op was about recruiting for ronin so this is about ronin not solarsuns. That is my opinion.
They are leaving to get free, easy gear. We don't give handouts every time they are asked. If I remember correctly, Horizons was like this? I never complained. I got full warden, meteoric, frozen, and soon to be dragonlord, all by myself. Thanks.
You're a suck up because you want to be on 0nline's good side so he doesn't kill you. It's cute, honestly.Arc, ever heard of the word 'character'? Its something you should try to learn, others are completing what you failed and youre getting mad at it. And trust me, we re still friends but stop being such an ass
We were never friends and will never be considering the mindset you have, so think again.
And to ob..
You're next.