Post+xArctic= normally fine
I stayed out of all the forums post until now because i was friends with both parties: xarctic ive played together with for a long time, we loan each other gear, level etc. OnlineBully was one of my clannies when i was like lvl 106 and he leveled extremely fast but even when he got way up there he didnt forget about us noobs in the unfathomable clan and he bossed with me often. Now he starts this new clan and aspires to make it big and great. Kudos. Awesome. We need more good good clans. More on that later. We head into this whole xarctic vs ob thing which is encredibly pointless stupid and pathetic all at the same time. 2 grown men who have never met going at each other over a damn video game. What. The. Hell. Its dumb as sh*t and then we get your clan into it. Its already been covered that some of our clan members went over to it...and then some came back. But somehow youve managed to make your clan completly hostile to mine with the only reason being that arctic is in it. From ronins trying to ks us to meep saying solarsuns sucks and then whispering me he only ment xarctic, and then i get this (see picture) for no apparent reason. In short onlinebully pull it together and stop acting like a little kid on a playground, forums are for talking about the game not 2 different players bashing each other and getting a bunch of what were perfectly fine topics locked. Not to be one sided i know xarctic has his share of faults, but in the last few arguements it is clear he didnt start them.
P.s. this was a rushed post so im sure there was tons of mistakes, but irdc.
Biteri 224 rogue, Rosmerta, Reserverence.
Yes, I seem to be back again.