@ helibabe :
You offered to give me haste elixir during Hrung fight ? When ? By a quick whisper ? I very honestly don't remember that. Now if you really did wanted me too, you would have insisted. You know, you can talk in front everybody, don't be so shy. Next time don't hesitate to say : "Dear shadow, it seems you run up of haste elixir, do you need one ? Your friend heli at your service"
Now, you are accusing me of akying. But how can a rogue even stay afk on Hrung ? I used countless of idols, even to refill my energy and cast skill. Yes I did died a lot as I don't have yet DL armor protecting my ass, that's why i even used a ravager shield, because better to do less dps but stay alive longer. But you go even further and accused me of not casting any skills : that's really low supercomet-guy, because believe me or not, I was doing my part on my rogue casting as much as i could.
Now guess what : if you thought my rogue was useless compare to you, the ultimate-super-helibomber-rogue, my warrior was very useful in protecting your ass as I did bashed Hrung successfully many times and too make your super heliattacks more efficient, as I casted constantly a 49 shatter... While I while still playing and yes, casting on my rogue.
I really did my part and don't give a damn if you think the opposite. I prooved in the past to this community my honesty and dedication, your point of view is not worth a penny to me. And if you are not happy and angry... too bad because it is too late now : if you wanted to say something about the malicious shadow-the-robot you should have reported me to the DM at that time. Now again too late, so let it go kido.