I don't see roll over and allow weaker opponents to win there.Competition [ˌkɒmpɪˈtɪʃən]
1. the act of competing; rivalry
2. a contest in which a winner is selected from among two or more entrants
3. a series of games, sports events, etc.
4. the opposition offered by a competitor or competitors
As I said before good luck we welcome competition, and hopefully they stick around and don't abandon there clan like in previous attempts.
Multi clan merges never worked for them in the past, but who knows fourth time might be the charm! [/quote]
You think I played this game for years, and have millions on my stash, and don't have a secret account?
I miss judged you balboa, thought you were a smart fat Australian, guess your not to smart, I mean, I posed as a bank in your clan
for two weeks, haha, stupid elites. Get life smart.
And I have just any say about the game I spend money on as any of you do,
free speech duh. don't like it, to bad.