Hello, i was really excited today because i finally watched i am legend!
It looked really appealing to me, as i havent seen a zombie survival movie (ever before).
To be completely honest...
the movie was great! the zombies looked amazing, the dog was awesome (i am a fan of German shepherds) but it was gay how the god died :L
it was an amazing story line and great buildup till... eh it was a horrible ending, i dont even feel like they ended it :L
i am really upset about the finish but on the bright side, hopefully they make a ''I am legend 2'' to add a great ending to what was an amazing start.
I would like to hear what everyone else thought about the movie.
I Am Legend - review
rogue: Avicii
World: Mabon
Rogue: Vodka / 45
Warrior: Tank / 30
Druid: Life /
World: Balor
rogue: Avicii
World: Mabon
Rogue: Vodka / 45
Warrior: Tank / 30
Druid: Life /
World: Balor