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Lower me to 180?

So right now my druid has nobody to level with and I can't help her kill the stuff in the snorri pit without ruining the exp gain so my request may be unusual or seem stupid to some but I would like if you would lower me down to level 180 from level 182. Not only will this mean I'll be using more plat items up on my druid but also on my rogue since I wasted lix and pots getting 180-182. So would there be a problem with this or..? I wouldn't even need you to put me back to 182 after, I'll level there again on my own. I know it's possible, if you can poof up a level 300 account and add gear and other crap that means you can edit character files and therefore change my level... Please? :|

[list][*]Vulture - Level 220 Rogue
[*]Venus - Level 195 Druid[/list][/color]

Re: Lower me to 180?

. I know it's possible, if you can poof up a level 300 account and add gear and other crap that means you can edit character files and therefore change my level
wow .-. they cant poof ur lvl tho they dont want tht extra plat money
221 rogue

Re: Lower me to 180?

So right now my druid has nobody to level with and I can't help her kill the stuff in the snorri pit without ruining the exp gain
It sounds like you are able to dual log and that your signature is correct, but I don't fully understand how you are ruining the exp for yourself.

At first glance, I would spec the Druid to a DPS leaning hybrid (keep enough touch the heal between fights) and use your Rogue out of group. Have the Druid kill to 49%, then finish it off with the Rogue.

This should send all the exp to the Druid, and wouldn't be too time consuming.

Alternate approach is to stay grouped and log off your Rogue just before the mob dies. Again, this would send all exp to the Druid. It would be a bit more of a fumbling act with your devices, but each kill should be faster overall.
Dersu of Herne
lvl 135+ Druid (Double Helix Build)
Clan Infection... of the Britannians family of clans.

Re: Lower me to 180?

Have you tried Offgrouping your druid?
Example: Be ina group, everytime its 5% till death log out and kill it with druid, but ofc Druid would have to be hybrid, but it'd still would work. Thats what i do with my druid but Vice-versa.

Hope I could help :)

Re: Lower me to 180?

What I do was group druid, get lock on a mob and then leave group. Druid keeps lock and rogue can freely kill to the end without the exp being nerfed. I made the mistake of levelling past 180 not realizing I just messed up my great levelling technique and yeah. But whatever I accepted it can`t be changed and levelled my rogue some more.

[list][*]Vulture - Level 220 Rogue
[*]Venus - Level 195 Druid[/list][/color]

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