Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Horn and crown drops

Well I will go along with what ever the others want was only voicing what others were saying sorry to have caused offence I'm usually so laid back:p I try and still help out on many boss's to help others and still willing to do this because it will help us all :) callator proud general of clan exhulantis

Re: Horn and crown drops

was only voicing what others were saying
Something obviously needed to be said, as there is a problem. Personally, I think the problem is hoarding. You have people with out-of-class items, including crowns, trying to trade them, which means that they are sitting in their bank until they can be traded, while others could be using them.

We should figure out how to stop the hoarding (maybe ban trading of non-class items unless you do it as soon as you get the drop) and encourage more cooperation between players, even outside of clans.
Castiglioni - 180 Druid in Lugh
147 Ranger
Member of Clan Elixir

Re: Horn and crown drops

I personally have no extra dl items i dont need i give away straight away to people that need yes it's normally clannies , but I am getting fed up with all this arguing when it starts now i will just log off . Yes otm need to do something about spawn rates of bosses and class drop rate, but at the end of the day we have a great server which I have enjoyed playing on for over 2 years , it's only now i fell like logging off when it all starts.as a warrior(tank) the weapons dont mean that much yes the shield would be nice, at the current rate i might get there by christmas(2015)but i do not care i just would like to get back to friendly server lugh were i have meet so many nice people ?

Re: Horn and crown drops

Hi all!
Just read this post and have bad feelings about it.
1. All bosses has their lvles and we all decided that person can be in fight and dice for drop if hes 10 lvls for warriors rangers and rogues and 15 lvls for casters lower then boss lvl. So if boss 180 ranger can be 170 and druid 165.
2. Yes, weapon quest opening on 175, and yeah lets do smarter if u want to do something as i understood. Just make lvl requir for crowns 175 lvl, and not as u are thinking atm, only in full dl. Would be very unfair for other players
3. I realized the real aim of all these talks about crowns. There are ppl who really badly want weapons. But u have no rights to close crowns for ppl who have quest and can get weapon on the same right as u, and also u cant ruin rules we all agreed with.
4. As i read before, there was a suggestion to ask ppl in full dl armor not to dice for other parts then. But, as u know, some ppl are still own something to someone, or just want some drop, that they can trade for something they need or just to give to someone. If u getting drop, from that time its yr own and u can do with it whatever u want, give out, use or even drop.
But all have right to get drop, ofcause if they are in lvl requir on boss fight.

So im against that full dl system for crowns.
Thnx all

General DaftPunk

Re: Horn and crown drops

My two cents.
We have a great server filled with dedicated players that really care about other players and greatly enjoy playing the game. The real issue is OTM's descision to make the game follow this path, it purposley makes it difficult to reach the end game boss. The rarity of certain drops needed ie crowns/horns and eggs adds to our frustration. OTM will not change the drop rate. And so our frustration grows.
I can only speak for myself. But I asked myself "When do i want to defeat Mordis?" My answer is soon. As I cannot do that alone, I must have fellow players to help, to this end, these players need to be equipt with gear that will help defeat her. As the number of drops remain scarce and the number of players leveling high (Congradulations to all that are working hard to level), the mathmatical odds of getting fully equipt decrease. As I desire to defeat Mordis sooner rather than later, It begs to question how we distribute the rare drops. The benefit of having fully equipt players is pretty obvious. How we get there is another question altogether. Many players already freely loan drops to equip other players, others unfortunatly do not. We can do nothing, keep the current rules in place and hopefully get enough players fully equipt by next summer, or we can look honestly at solving the problem that OTM will not fix. I personally do not think that only fully DL equipt players should get the crowns rather those players 180 or higher as Mordis is 190. I do not want to cause any drama or finger pointing or fighting. I only ask that we all just look at what we want to get out of playing this game. The thread on what ppl have and need was a great idea, I hope that all will use it and work together as this server has always done.

Thank you all for your time.

Re: Horn and crown drops

It's fine I mean, 5 levels off of using a crown isn't a big deal. Neither is 7 levels off 170, both take about the same amount of time and both can be completed in less than 10 hours for sure.The real problem is classes won't work together and lend crowns to gear eachother up so we have 2 crowns here 1 there 3 there and another one here. That's enough crowns for 2 weapons but since nobody wants to give it up, nobody will get their weapon.

My personal opinion is to suggest we hold off on getting the offhands for a while because that uses 4 crowns and 4 horns, enough to get someone a bp and someone a weapon, no offense to whoever has one I just personally think it isn't worth it at this point in time. I think it'd be better to have our power spread out among the many people we have rather than stockpile one person while others are left with the minimums.

We're fine with other drops though including horns, they're dropped by more than one boss and aren't nearly as rare or hard to get. Don't believe me then compare number of weapons to number of chest armour pieces :P
Idk about you, but bosses are much easier with Calla or Callu tanking and some 185+ dps.
185+ huh :ugeek:

[list][*]Vulture - Level 220 Rogue
[*]Venus - Level 195 Druid[/list][/color]

Re: Horn and crown drops

So with this being said. Good luck fighting the boss that drop crowns all by yourselves. If people are smart, they won't come help you in the battle if you really want to put this rule into effect considering the fact that people with full dl who don't owe anybody are still dicing for drops that they don't need which makes your argument for this rule pretty dumb because high levels with full dl are essentially preventing people who don't have full dl by hoarding the items for themselves.

There are more than enough people without full DL to kill bosses without the help of players who have full DL. Can you say the same for players with full DL?

In other words, I think your idea is simply selfish and full of crap, no offense to you personally. But it is what it is. Keep the same old rules that we have been running with and everyone will be fine. 10 levels within to dice for damagers and 15 for support. Simple, easy, and everyone has an incentive to help.

Re: Horn and crown drops

Hi lugh for a start no rules have been changed all correct lvls at boss fights can roll on drops I was asked by others to do the post it was a suggestion that is all by some high lvls was only a bump to ppl who may have drops to maybe lend out if that person is closer to finishing then the person who has the item and to hoarders holding onto drops for later trades/profit so all please don't worry all welcome to the campsite of snorri and sreng food provided bring own drinks tho:p thanks for reading . Callator proud general of clan exhulantis !

Re: Horn and crown drops

Hi lugh for a start no rules have been changed all correct lvls at boss fights can roll on drops I was asked by others to do the post it was a suggestion that is all by some high lvls
Again. Most of us appreciate the post. Most problems are from a lack of communication. If we don't talk about this stuff, we can't try to work towards a solution that makes the most people happy, or at least less unhappy. ;)

Hopefully you have gotten the idea that everyone needs to share more and clean out their bank of unused DL drops and drops that they won't be using in the near future. No one should have an extra egg in the hopes that they can trade it later for something else they need or that they will level up 30 times in the next few weeks.
Castiglioni - 180 Druid in Lugh
147 Ranger
Member of Clan Elixir

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