Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Possible cheater?

As you all can see in the picture there is a level 1 character with the 2nd most pvp kills in the game. We all know that is not possible without doing something above the law. Please ban this account and remove from leaderboards. Theres nothing i hate more than false info.
image.jpg (162.84 KiB) Viewed 1957 times
Server: Herne
Clan: ResUrgeNs
Character: Superman8977.....Luminous

Re: Possible cheater?

Its possible could have a buddy letting him kill him to move up ranks
It IS possible, but it would have to be a low lvl (under 10 with little hp) or else three people working in tandem, two high lvls, one almost kills other, then logs and lets lvl 1 finish him off, but that would take a few days depending on how much vit. This seems really unlikely though haha.
Have questions about anything? PM me!
Alternatively, you can rarely find me online in Sulis.
Go team #WorldSkillsUSA2019!
Harbinger of cold hard logic and reason.
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Re: Possible cheater?

2 hours later and look at the guy now...
image.jpg (185.8 KiB) Viewed 1891 times
Server: Herne
Clan: ResUrgeNs
Character: Superman8977.....Luminous

Re: Possible cheater?

I know someone who double devices with a lvl5 killing lvl30's by double devicing having their druid buff them.
Assassinprime- lvl102 Ranger
Ravenwing-lvl68 Mage
Betaprime2-lvl68 Warrior
S0uth-lvl61 Rogue
AtlasPrime-lvl180+ warrior

Re: Possible cheater?

So what's the problem? I don't remember any rules against dual devicing, just as I don't remember any rules against buffing before a fight or running away. All he's doing is duelling and winning. He isn't breaking a rule or cheating, he's just wasting his time for a pointless rank.

[list][*]Vulture - Level 220 Rogue
[*]Venus - Level 195 Druid[/list][/color]

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