It's fine I mean, 5 levels off of using a crown isn't a big deal. Neither is 7 levels off 170, both take about the same amount of time and both can be completed in less than 10 hours for sure.The real problem is classes won't work together and lend crowns to gear eachother up so we have 2 crowns here 1 there 3 there and another one here. That's enough crowns for 2 weapons but since nobody wants to give it up, nobody will get their weapon.
My personal opinion is to suggest we hold off on getting the offhands for a while because that uses 4 crowns and 4 horns, enough to get someone a bp and someone a weapon, no offense to whoever has one I just personally think it isn't worth it at this point in time. I think it'd be better to have our power spread out among the many people we have rather than stockpile one person while others are left with the minimums.
We're fine with other drops though including horns, they're dropped by more than one boss and aren't nearly as rare or hard to get. Don't believe me then compare number of weapons to number of chest armour pieces
Idk about you, but bosses are much easier with Calla or Callu tanking and some 185+ dps.
185+ huh