Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: New engine release

We have the new engine up and running here in the studio, and so far things are looking fantastic.
Will iPod 2nd generation be able to get the engine or no? If no, that sucks.
Probably not, iPod 2g was JUST able to get V4.
World- Sulis
FrostKnight- LVL 222 Ranger
FrostDagger- LVL 198 Rogue
Sancus- LVL 197 Mage

Re: New engine release

We have the new engine up and running here in the studio, and so far things are looking fantastic.
Will iPod 2nd generation be able to get the engine or no? If no, that sucks.

I don't want to be rude, and no one is asking you to buy a new iPod every year, but you are 3, about to be 4 generations behind. It's time for an upgrade. Your are still using a rusty training sword while everyone else has a semi-automatic M16.
Server: Arawn
Player: Phyzem:216Rogue
Player: Krypto:187-Rogue
Clan: Unit

Re: New engine release

We have the new engine up and running here in the studio, and so far things are looking fantastic.
Will iPod 2nd generation be able to get the engine or no? If no, that sucks.

I don't want to be rude, and no one is asking you to buy a new iPod every year, but you are 3, about to be 4 generations behind. It's time for an upgrade. Your are still using a rusty training sword while everyone else has a semi-automatic M16.
Lol, but you should not have to upgrade just for a game...
x*Warrior Tank*x

Critical thinking greatly intrigues me.

Re: New engine release

Lol, but you should not have to upgrade just for a game...
Ikr my xbox 360 games should work on my nes.
Serethem Lvl: 210 Class: ranger
World:Herne Clan: Infection (full edl armor and bow thank you clan!)

Armageddon01 Lvl: 105 Class: Mage
World:Rosmerta Clan:

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