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Re: A discussion about religion

Okay I only read through 13 pages so sorry if I repeat someone.

First off, I was raised as a Mormon, LDS, whatever, and where I live is like 90% LDS. Even if this religion has some things that are compete BS the people here are fantastic. Most of them are kind and loving to most. The reason I say most is because Mormons preach that you shouldn't judge people but then they hear me listen to a song by Bring Me The Horizon (Metal Band) and boom, I'm judged. Doesn't matter what the lyrics say, the music is too "Satanic" because it's loud. They could be screaming I Am A Child Of God and I would still be judged. Don't go on a mission? Automatically viewed differently. I'm not saying all do this but too many do to make me fully believe in this religion.

You people are saying that the big bang theory is wrong because something came from nothing, but like Pigman said, where did God come from? You can go on and say that God doesn't have to be proven we just have to believe and good things will come but where's the justification in that? It's easy for people in first world countries to believe in got because they are "Blessed." Religious leaders tell us to look for God in everything we do unless, of course, its a bad thing, then it's just you didn't have enough faith. It's like my speech teacher right now. She barely teaches us anything and sits in the back of the class most of the time making us read books for our info and then expects us to ace everything, but no matter how well I do, she will always grade me down on something, which brings me to my next point.

People in Africa are starving and dying every day while Americans (Not All) are sitting around playing video games and watching TV all day. The main thing I would like to bring up here is that even though we may have "Blessings" Other people don't. We're here saying, Oh you got a raise in your job? Looks like God loves us! Your hard work had nothing to do with it! and in Africa they're saying, Oh look our child doesn't have Malaria, how lucky, and then Christians blame it on them when their child does get Malaria because they didn't believe in God. Apparently if you don't have enough Soul Bonus Points and you're born into a third world country you're going to live in eternal damnation and torment in hell or however you put it. Seems a bit harsh don't you think?

The last thing I'm gonna say is what exactly is our purpose? God sent us here to test us right? Wrong. Apparently God is this being that knows everything that has been and will come to be so why exactly would he be testing us....? Not my fault I was created with a lot of curiosity and doubt. Apparently I go to Hell if I ask questions. Maybe I'm better off repenting then slipping into a coma so I don't ask any more questions, that'll for sure get me upstairs. But if I do get upstairs, tf is there to do? They say we're gonna be happy for eternity but that seems like a looooong time to just be happy and nothing more. Being happy would cease to exist because we would not have to strive for it any more. And everyone knows that the rule of thumb is that if something feels good, you're doing it wrong.

I'm not trying to change anyone's views, this is just the thoughts of a curious and slightly confused 15 year old.

Re: A discussion about religion

Even if this religion has some things that are compete BS the people here are fantastic. Most of them are kind and loving to most. The reason I say most is because Mormons preach that you shouldn't judge people but then they hear me listen to a song by Bring Me The Horizon (Metal Band) and boom, I'm judged. Doesn't matter what the lyrics say, the music is too "Satanic" because it's loud. They could be screaming I Am A Child Of God and I would still be judged. Don't go on a mission? Automatically viewed differently. I'm not saying all do this but too many do to make me fully believe in this religion.
You must never base your faith on people. People will always dissappoint. Faith must be based in good, solid truth about God.
When you start basing your faith on people and their actions you know youre going the wrong way.
Again I recommend reading Meer Christianity by C.S. Lewis. Its a very easy read and a really good start toward understanding.

You people are saying that the big bang theory is wrong because something came from nothing but like Pigman said, where did God come from?
Who said that? Did you know the Big Bang Theory came from a Catholic Preist? Its true:


Its tough to discuss Pigman's response because in the end its a matter of faith. God did not come from anything. God has always existed. He is the reason for existance. The Un-caused cause. You have your being because he sustains your being at every moment. These are hard things to consider I know.

It's easy for people in first world countries to believe in got because they are "Blessed."
People in Africa are starving and dying every day while Americans (Not All) are sitting around playing video games and watching TV all day. The main thing I would like to bring up here is that even though we may have "Blessings" Other people don't. We're here saying, Oh you got a raise in your job? Looks like God loves us! Your hard work had nothing to do with it!
3rd world countries tend to have FAR more faith than 1st world. Blessed are the poor...
Oh look our child doesn't have Malaria, how lucky, and then Christians blame it on them when their child does get Malaria because they didn't believe in God. Apparently if you don't have enough Soul Bonus Points and you're born into a third world country you're going to live in eternal damnation and torment in hell or however you put it. Seems a bit harsh don't you think?
Carefull. You are generalizing. Most Christians do not think this at all. If youre going to speak like this you might as well lump us all into the westboro baptist church which would be utterly rediculous and insulting.

Christians do more for these people than ANY other organization on the planet. Please do not insult their considerable efforts.

I wonder if you really believe this or if its more an excuse to live your life however you want without consequence. These are childrens arguments against Christianity.

The last thing I'm gonna say is what exactly is our purpose?
In a nutshell: Our purpose is to know God, to love God and to be happy with God on earth and in heaven.
God sent us here to test us right? Wrong.
Right. That is exactly what is going on. The only REAL love is tested love. Our gift from God is free will. What will you do with it? Did you know the angels had a time of testing as well?

Apparently I go to Hell if I ask questions.
We have a saying in the Catholic church: "1000 questions dont equal 1 doubt".

Questions are not sins. Even the Blessed Mother asked God questions. You can ask absolutely anything. God WANTS you to. Intellect and reason are good things. God likes them. He made them.
maulz - warrior - level 195 - belenus - iPhone 7

Re: A discussion about religion

Even if this religion has some things that are compete BS the people here are fantastic. Most of them are kind and loving to most. The reason I say most is because Mormons preach that you shouldn't judge people but then they hear me listen to a song by Bring Me The Horizon (Metal Band) and boom, I'm judged. Doesn't matter what the lyrics say, the music is too "Satanic" because it's loud. They could be screaming I Am A Child Of God and I would still be judged. Don't go on a mission? Automatically viewed differently. I'm not saying all do this but too many do to make me fully believe in this religion.
You must never base your faith on people. People will always dissappoint. Faith must be based in good, solid truth about God.
When you start basing your faith on people and their actions you know youre going the wrong way.
Again I recommend reading Meer Christianity by C.S. Lewis. Its a very easy read and a really good start toward understanding.

You people are saying that the big bang theory is wrong because something came from nothing but like Pigman said, where did God come from?
Who said that? Did you know the Big Bang Theory came from a Catholic Preist? Its true:


Its tough to discuss Pigman's response because in the end its a matter of faith. God did not come from anything. God has always existed. He is the reason for existance. The Un-caused cause. You have your being because he sustains your being at every moment. These are hard things to consider I know.

It's easy for people in first world countries to believe in got because they are "Blessed."
People in Africa are starving and dying every day while Americans (Not All) are sitting around playing video games and watching TV all day. The main thing I would like to bring up here is that even though we may have "Blessings" Other people don't. We're here saying, Oh you got a raise in your job? Looks like God loves us! Your hard work had nothing to do with it!
3rd world countries tend to have FAR more faith than 1st world. Blessed are the poor...
Oh look our child doesn't have Malaria, how lucky, and then Christians blame it on them when their child does get Malaria because they didn't believe in God. Apparently if you don't have enough Soul Bonus Points and you're born into a third world country you're going to live in eternal damnation and torment in hell or however you put it. Seems a bit harsh don't you think?
Carefull. You are generalizing. Most Christians do not think this at all. If youre going to speak like this you might as well lump us all into the westboro baptist church which would be utterly rediculous and insulting.

Christians do more for these people than ANY other organization on the planet. Please do not insult their considerable efforts.

I wonder if you really believe this or if its more an excuse to live your life however you want without consequence. These are childrens arguments against Christianity.

The last thing I'm gonna say is what exactly is our purpose?
In a nutshell: Our purpose is to know God, to love God and to be happy with God on earth and in heaven.
God sent us here to test us right? Wrong.
Right. That is exactly what is going on. The only REAL love is tested love. Our gift from God is free will. What will you do with it? Did you know the angels had a time of testing as well?

Apparently I go to Hell if I ask questions.
We have a saying in the Catholic church: "1000 questions dont equal 1 doubt".

Questions are not sins. Even the Blessed Mother asked God questions. You can ask absolutely anything. God WANTS you to. Intellect and reason are good things. God likes them. He made them.
because wikipedia is sooooo reliable.
Lv 130 active rogue
Long lost level 100 mage

Re: A discussion about religion

The Big Bang Theory is very close to the creation story. One should not be surprised.

The real problem is all the contradictions and all the human characteristics that are present in the bible. I would believe in a supreme being or beings if they made decisions that are constant and without a human point of view.

Re: A discussion about religion

The Big Bang Theory is very close to the creation story. One should not be surprised.

The real problem is all the contradictions and all the human characteristics that are present in the bible. I would believe in a supreme being or beings if they made decisions that are constant and without a human point of view.
The bible was written FOR humans. Why would it not contain that point of view? Sounds to me like you want a book written by one god to another god. Im not sure you would have any understanding about such a book.

What you're really saying though it seems is this: I want God to reveal himself to me on my terms and not his.

Faith always precedes understanding. Have some faith and God will most definitely give you some understanding.
maulz - warrior - level 195 - belenus - iPhone 7

Re: A discussion about religion

Even if this religion has some things that are compete BS the people here are fantastic. Most of them are kind and loving to most. The reason I say most is because Mormons preach that you shouldn't judge people but then they hear me listen to a song by Bring Me The Horizon (Metal Band) and boom, I'm judged. Doesn't matter what the lyrics say, the music is too "Satanic" because it's loud. They could be screaming I Am A Child Of God and I would still be judged. Don't go on a mission? Automatically viewed differently. I'm not saying all do this but too many do to make me fully believe in this religion.
You must never base your faith on people. People will always dissappoint. Faith must be based in good, solid truth about God.
When you start basing your faith on people and their actions you know youre going the wrong way.
Again I recommend reading Meer Christianity by C.S. Lewis. Its a very easy read and a really good start toward understanding.

You people are saying that the big bang theory is wrong because something came from nothing but like Pigman said, where did God come from?
Who said that? Did you know the Big Bang Theory came from a Catholic Preist? Its true:


Its tough to discuss Pigman's response because in the end its a matter of faith. God did not come from anything. God has always existed. He is the reason for existance. The Un-caused cause. You have your being because he sustains your being at every moment. These are hard things to consider I know.

It's easy for people in first world countries to believe in got because they are "Blessed."
People in Africa are starving and dying every day while Americans (Not All) are sitting around playing video games and watching TV all day. The main thing I would like to bring up here is that even though we may have "Blessings" Other people don't. We're here saying, Oh you got a raise in your job? Looks like God loves us! Your hard work had nothing to do with it!
3rd world countries tend to have FAR more faith than 1st world. Blessed are the poor...
Oh look our child doesn't have Malaria, how lucky, and then Christians blame it on them when their child does get Malaria because they didn't believe in God. Apparently if you don't have enough Soul Bonus Points and you're born into a third world country you're going to live in eternal damnation and torment in hell or however you put it. Seems a bit harsh don't you think?
Carefull. You are generalizing. Most Christians do not think this at all. If youre going to speak like this you might as well lump us all into the westboro baptist church which would be utterly rediculous and insulting.

Christians do more for these people than ANY other organization on the planet. Please do not insult their considerable efforts.

I wonder if you really believe this or if its more an excuse to live your life however you want without consequence. These are childrens arguments against Christianity.

The last thing I'm gonna say is what exactly is our purpose?
In a nutshell: Our purpose is to know God, to love God and to be happy with God on earth and in heaven.
God sent us here to test us right? Wrong.
Right. That is exactly what is going on. The only REAL love is tested love. Our gift from God is free will. What will you do with it? Did you know the angels had a time of testing as well?

Apparently I go to Hell if I ask questions.
We have a saying in the Catholic church: "1000 questions dont equal 1 doubt".

Questions are not sins. Even the Blessed Mother asked God questions. You can ask absolutely anything. God WANTS you to. Intellect and reason are good things. God likes them. He made them.
Thanks that actually clears some of it up :) and I've never had a chance to learn about the catholic church, all I've ever learned about is LDS so sorry if I came to hasty generalizations a lot as I was mainly talking about the only things I've known in my life. I'ts just that my family has been judged a lot for not being the "Church goers" people expect us to be. I've been judged a lot for my siblings actions when all I've ever tried to do is help people or make people feel better. Maybe some day I'll know for myself that the church is true but at my age, it's tough to discern the truth when basically everything I know is being fed to me on a spoon :roll: I feel like the people that are always the best church-goers are the ones who weren't raised into it, but had to find it for their selves. I sometimes wish one of those stories had been mine but I can not change the past, only play out into the future.

Re: A discussion about religion

The Big Bang Theory is very close to the creation story. One should not be surprised.

The real problem is all the contradictions and all the human characteristics that are present in the bible. I would believe in a supreme being or beings if they made decisions that are constant and without a human point of view.
The bible was written FOR humans. Why would it not contain that point of view? Sounds to me like you want a book written by one god to another god. Im not sure you would have any understanding about such a book.

What you're really saying though it seems is this: I want God to reveal himself to me on my terms and not his.

Faith always precedes understanding. Have some faith and God will most definitely give you some understanding.
What I mean is that it takes sides on human issues as if it is human. Where is the bridge between godly and human thoughts and values?

Sorry if I am too harsh. I honestly would like to believe in a supreme being but it does not seem as feasible as science or more specifically, the scientific method. However, I do choose to believe in infinite possibilities.

A good amount of the bible may not be logical but it is still possible. Perhaps they are beyond our current understanding. Perhaps, for that reason, they should be ignored or not interpreted too literally. Forever unknown to the living.

Re: A discussion about religion

The Big Bang Theory is very close to the creation story. One should not be surprised.

The real problem is all the contradictions and all the human characteristics that are present in the bible. I would believe in a supreme being or beings if they made decisions that are constant and without a human point of view.
The bible was written FOR humans. Why would it not contain that point of view? Sounds to me like you want a book written by one god to another god. Im not sure you would have any understanding about such a book.

What you're really saying though it seems is this: I want God to reveal himself to me on my terms and not his.

Faith always precedes understanding. Have some faith and God will most definitely give you some understanding.
What I mean is that it takes sides on human issues as if it is human. Where is the bridge between godly and human thoughts and values?

Sorry if I am too harsh. I honestly would like to believe in a supreme being but it does not seem as feasible as science or more specifically, the scientific method. However, I do choose to believe in infinite possibilities.

A good amount of the bible may not be logical but it is still possible. Perhaps they are beyond our current understanding. Perhaps, for that reason, they should be ignored or not interpreted too literally. Forever unknown to the living.
As corny as this might sound. The bridge is Jesus Christ.

Want a little fun fact? The Catholic Church developed the Scientific Method. Seriously. Look it up.

You shouldn't think of it as one or the other, God Vs Science. The materials of the universe(s) (what science is about) are the Legos of God.

One last bit: If we ignored things we didn't understand then you and I would probably not be speaking as our race would probably not had gotten to a Computer. God allows you to not understand. He allows you to be on the fence about what you believe. He allows you to have questions, concerns, frustrations and the like. What he does not want however is complacency. Keep looking. Don't stop. Use your brain. He wants you to. He made you for that.
maulz - warrior - level 195 - belenus - iPhone 7

Re: A discussion about religion

As corny as this might sound. The bridge is Jesus Christ.

Want a little fun fact? The Catholic Church developed the Scientific Method. Seriously. Look it up.

You shouldn't think of it as one or the other, God Vs Science. The materials of the universe(s) (what science is about) are the Legos of God.

One last bit: If we ignored things we didn't understand then you and I would probably not be speaking as our race would probably not had gotten to a Computer. God allows you to not understand. He allows you to be on the fence about what you believe. He allows you to have questions, concerns, frustrations and the like. What he does not want however is complacency. Keep looking. Don't stop. Use your brain. He wants you to. He made you for that.
May you elaborate on Jesus Christ as the bridge?

I suppose I write these vague responses hinting to one way and you perceive it in a different way, which is completely fine. In the past, science and religion were really the same which does lead to many innovations of science with roots in religion. It is more in the recent era where you will find Science v. God which may be in part due to the fact that science changes and religion, for the most part, does not.

To use the word "ignore" was a mistake on my part. I attempted to hint an idea more along the lines of: know that something is possible and store the idea for later where one may use it again and apply it.

I also feel the need to point out other things that seem to be common ideas with religion. Why does God have to be male? Why choose a side when you can attempt to solve a dispute with logic and diplomacy, therefore, saving all of the creations and not just one part? Even when one follows the idea that God's limited interference is due to the acceptance of human free-will, there are humans out there that have the will to be better. People dying and suffering do have the will to survive and make the best of it. Why not provide at least some help? :/

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