Celtic Heroes

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Re: Sewer mobs gone after first day of update 4?

Ive seen and killed them both several times, the only problem is that an average of about 10-20 phs spawn between each of the 5*s, so imo its not really worth camping for a full day or so for only 5kish gold. I do, however, like these bosses.
the reason to camp them would be to get +5 rings for the skills in the sewer such as shadowstrike
Yeah the first day i camped them all day. Got shadowstrike and stinging swarm books and royal rings for both of them. I gave them to clan members that were higher than me that needed them, now i want to farm them for my alts and theyre spots are nerfed.

First day of update i killed then twice with no ph's and got 2 royal stinging swarm now i gotta kill lots of ph's before i get a chance at the boss which keeps dropping skewers rings :|
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Re: Sewer mobs gone after first day of update 4?

Drops from the warbeast trainer were nerfed too :(
Used to get royal sanctuary/shatter rings every 10min, now its giving me 3+ :|
Kinda suprised they didn't nerf the respawn time of the trainer like urgan.
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