Re: I'm curious about danu; greeting from rosmerta
#22typical cazz -.- lol
Deathreaver - level 136 Warrior
Flametongue - level 62 Mage
Deathreaver - level 136 Warrior
Flametongue - level 62 Mage
Re: I'm curious about danu; greeting from rosmerta
#23Well for the short while prime allowed grouping outside of clan in hopes to expand. We were bossing with nitro, while unbreak refused to group us. At many of the bosses when prime got the drops we would roll for them with nitro, but it seemed when nitro got the drops they would just take the drops, this was my experience at least, and we roll for drops when more then one person needs. My belief is that later we had discrepenscies with the dl drops and started grouping only in clan so nitro and unbreakable decided to work together. At the moment prime has the majority of high levels and all the dragonlord armor on Danu so we have no compeition in carrowmore, and the only clan to kill Hrungnir, about 9 or 10 times now. Nitro is still a great clan with an amazing leader, however made up mainly of low-mid leveled players and the req to join prime is now level 130. We mainly wait in line for killain/ragnor but sometimes there is fighting with unbreak as there has been a rivalry for quite some time. Leveling isn't as serious and we train with people from all clans.
Re: I'm curious about danu; greeting from rosmerta
#24The only time i see prime grouping other people is when there is only a few like 1-2 people.
Re: I'm curious about danu; greeting from rosmerta
#25I am completely utterly speechless...well played Fluttershy...Wat?!Lol i was kicked from unbreak because i grouped prime in a boss when we need help...
As for the main topic, Why so much hate on Prime?!![]()
The only part I see that somewhat turns Prime members bad is that "No grouping outside Clan" policy.
Do you know why they don't group? Well, they hope the precious (and sometimes not so precious) drops can cycle within their clan to help ppl get the stuff they need.
If you need a boss for quest, just tell them that you will give them the drop and ACTUALLY DO IT (If you haven't been a complete arsehole most Primes would trust you)
Additionally, Solid has a point, almost EVERY SINGLE CLAN will have some meanies ruining the clans' reputation, learn to deal with it. I can say there are dorks in Nitro and even Unbreakable as well *sounds of hate guns loading*, but does it mean Nitro and Unbreakable are horrible clans? Tis' not logical!
Prime is a great clan, Nitro is a great clan, Unbreakable is a great clan, Danu is a great server! XD

Well after reading through 3 pages of stuff I came up with some stuff as well

I still hope you can read all this despite the "@'s". (you probably wouldn't, but are you up to the challenge?

@ Deathreaver: It's really easy to tell whether they are lying about group full or not, if you can send them group requests and the "group full" message didn't pop up, self explanatory. If you are willing to give up the drops AND the gold and they still wouldn't let you in group DESPITE the fact that they do not have a FULL group and most likely ALL of them has completed the Test of Regulus quest (lvl req 130, most likely they all did), something is fishy... And I know A LOT of primes who are kind damn good folks who would help you with things.
@ Cazz: You hate every single server, yet you love the game so much...

@ Noodle: Competition is fun, but when it starts to get personal and goes out of control...not so fun.
@ Infamous: I don't really get the fact that why ppl roll for drops, isn't there already a randomizer for them embedded in the group bossing system? I know I know ppl who don't need it might get them and ppl who need it might not get them, if that's the case then rolling is a good idea, but I would consider a better method (maybe a line system like for the gladiator quests perhaps?). As for the lvl req, Prime is a serious clan, a clan that means business, no offense but if the point of the game is to have fun then why bother with the level req? The answer is simple: to increase the chance the clan has against other clans, and to haul in all the elites into this one big (not too big though) death squad full of high lvl badasses so they could tackle tough bosses. But hold on there, look at the 3 legends (Pocket Legends, Star legends, and Dark legends), you can still have clans there, but the game system didn't promote rivalry, because instead of grouping on will, the groups are RANDOMLY assigned, and ppl still got along pretty well, relatively speaking from a CH perspective. Well, clans are meant to be there so grouping could be easier and ppl can have a sense of well being, but at the same time, some clans took it too seriously, and transcends the game into a "reality". Players are divided into rival "groups", which correlates to realife examples of, many examples, competing companies in the economy (coca-cola vs pepsi = Prime vs Nitro?), opposing religious beliefs (well, self explanatory), opposing political parties (Democrats vs Republicans), opposing phenomons (ppl who like ponies vs ppl who hate them), etc. I can say that Unbreakable and Prime took this game a bit too seriously (not sure about Nitro though), Unbreakable is OK but their hate for rival clans is something I object (I love my clannies, no offense but some of them do have a lot of hate going on) with a ok lvl req (ranging from 70-100, sometimes if you are a guy with good rep they'd let you in early

@kickbutt2: You probably wasn't paying attention to that wall of text I wrote for Fluttershy, Gather enough reliable evidences, intels, and logical reasons before stating an accusation, unless you want to say something irrevocably stupid. Well, I assume you're smart enough to know this and you do want to say something that would be entertaining for me to troll around with. There are plenty ppl out there who hate prime guts that are certainly NOT low lvl. I'm confident some of them are in Nitro, Unbreak, and more of them scattered all over the place. Secondly, not everyone gets to play all day long like you, I haven't logged for 2 and a half weeks, because I got REALIFE things to deal with, specifically SAT, if death is a kid like me, well, parents...if death is a grownup, well, jobs and family...there're PLENTY of good reasons to not play a damn video game, one of the most powerful one is, Realife is much much much more important than virual games!!! As for Death, he doesn't need to use like 5-6k worth of items to take a boss who drops 1k and drops worthing 6-20k, even if you're using hyperbole, he probably doesn't even need to spend one gold, he got Nitro, his fellow clannies to help him! You said the feelings are mutual, then unfortunately you are thinking like a toddler, or possibly even more immature, "I hate you? You hate me? We are not so happy family?" Last, how do you know there's only 10 kids over 120 in Nitro, and all of them over goes to prime? There're 3 obvious flaws in your claim, first, how do you know if they're kids or not? Unless you've met them in realife, or somehow manage to hack into their systems and obtain their personal info, there's just simply no way of telling the person's age, or even their gender (I bet there're ppl out there who create opposite gender toons lol); second, how do you know if there're only 10 ppl above 120, and all of them above it is in Prime? Check again, I've seen lvl 130's in Nitro, I've seen lvl 160's in Nitro, and above all they remained loyal to their clan, you're only talking about the minority of ppl who decides to "you know what? Screw Nitro, Prime here I come!!!"
Please, check your posts throughly to make sure it makes logical and actual sense before saying something irrevocably stupid. Finally, your clan is a great clan, but don't ruin its reputation by making raging extremism posts that are simply not valid.
Dang that was a lot of typing, BTW if you are wondering why I edited this so many times, I wrote this in segments, I had to go back to the posts and check with them.
Last edited by Solid on Tue Oct 08, 2013 12:47 pm, edited 10 times in total.
Re: I'm curious about danu; greeting from rosmerta
#26They roll for drop because if you don't need drop but more then 1 person needs then they will roll for it because it would be the fair thing to do.
Re: I'm curious about danu; greeting from rosmerta
#27I only hate the scammers ... I usualy kill all but 1 cuz of the love of blaz ahah.
Darts is luckly cuz blaz told me to dont kill him ._...
But he scammed many times in past and did a scam recentely too ( lucky he returned the stuff)..but for me .. Scammers never change!
Darts is luckly cuz blaz told me to dont kill him ._...
But he scammed many times in past and did a scam recentely too ( lucky he returned the stuff)..but for me .. Scammers never change!
Re: I'm curious about danu; greeting from rosmerta
#28Ain't nobody got time to post that
I am completely utterly speechless...well played Fluttershy...logic FTW~
Well after reading through 3 pages of stuff I came up with some stuff as well![]()
I still hope you can read all this despite the "@'s". (you probably wouldn't, but are you up to the challenge?)
@ Deathreaver: It's really easy to tell whether they are lying about group full or not, if you can send them group requests and the "group full" message didn't pop up, self explanatory. If you are willing to give up the drops AND the gold and they still wouldn't let you in group DESPITE the fact that they do not have a FULL group and most likely ALL of them has completed the Test of Regulus quest (lvl req 130, most likely they all did), something is fishy... And I know A LOT of primes who are kind damn good folks who would help you with things.
@ Cazz: You hate every single server, yet you love the game so much...
@ Noodle: Competition is fun, but when it starts to get personal and goes out of control...not so fun.
@ Infamous: I don't really get the fact that why ppl roll for drops, isn't there already a randomizer for them embedded in the group bossing system? I know I know ppl who don't need it might get them and ppl who need it might not get them, if that's the case then rolling is a good idea, but I would consider a better method (maybe a line system like for the gladiator quests perhaps?). As for the lvl req, Prime is a serious clan, a clan that means business, no offense but if the point of the game is to have fun then why bother with the level req? The answer is simple: to increase the chance the clan has against other clans, and to haul in all the elites into this one big (not too big though) death squad full of high lvl badasses so they could tackle tough bosses. But hold on there, look at the 3 legends (Pocket Legends, Star legends, and Dark legends), you can still have clans there, but the game system didn't promote rivalry, because instead of grouping on will, the groups are RANDOMLY assigned, and ppl still got along pretty well, relatively speaking from a CH perspective. Well, clans are meant to be there so grouping could be easier and ppl can have a sense of well being, but at the same time, some clans took it too seriously, and transcends the game into a "reality". Players are divided into rival "groups", which correlates to realife examples of, many examples, competing companies in the economy (coca-cola vs pepsi = Prime vs Nitro?), opposing religious beliefs (well, self explanatory), opposing political parties (Democrats vs Republicans), opposing phenomons (ppl who like ponies vs ppl who hate them), etc. I can say that Unbreakable and Prime took this game a bit too seriously (not sure about Nitro though), Unbreakable is OK but their hate for rival clans is something I object (I love my clannies, no offense but some of them do have a lot of hate going on) with a ok lvl req (ranging from 70-100, sometimes if you are a guy with good rep they'd let you in early), Prime in the mean time, as I observed from the outside, let's just say they shut theirselves away from others a bit too much, ok? The "no grouping policy" is really getting on my nerves. If it weren't for some nice Prime fellows allowing me in group on Fal in exchange for the promise that I'd give them the drop (which I fulfilled), I bet my "Evil in Stonevale" quest is still stuck on Fal 0_o. Prime is still a great clan, no doubt about it, but isn't it time ppl should stop holding onto the hate for something others have done wrong WAY back in v2 (believe me, I know...)? Even if they did do something wrong in v3, or even v4 (like scamming, arena trolling), don't forget this basic principle for games, IT'S JUST A GAME!!! Even a 16 year old kid like me who certainly has an attachment to games recognized this, I hope you grownups there could acknowledge this as well. You wouldn't be getting scorch marks if I got blasted by a firebolt, You shouldn't jump of a cliff because someone took some imaginary virtual gold coins from you (a.k.a scamming, I've read about ppl actually JUMPING OFF CLIFFS (urban buildings of course) b/c someone scammed them. Some friends of mine and I got scammed several times myself, one of my friend got a bronze energy regen amulet scammed, before you say "ppffft it's only 25k lol", it meant a lot to him because he saved EVERYSINGLE bit of gold from LVL 1, without buying ANY armors and weapons of ANY KIND (except the necessarys, like bandage manual), he finally got it at lvl 40, he was so happy, a few weeks later he got scammed by this female toon b/c he decided to trust her and when she asked to borrow that bronze ammy, well you should know the rest. But he didn't went nuts b/c of that, and certainly DIDN'T JUMP OFF A CLIFF), you shouldn't try to stab yourself with a fork b/c someone decided to be a total jerk and kill steal a "precious" connacht skirmisher from you, it just, simply doesn't make sense. In general terms, a video game world is where we can escape from all that ***, an Outer Heaven, so why turn this Outer Heaven into another "real world"? Apart from all bull***, we are all here to save Dal Riata and we are all Celtics, we all love having fun enjoying a game and we probably all want to go to the restroom everytime we hear the Fingal's Cave background music theme (worked for me, would help with ppl having know
). I know ppl hate eachother, they simply couldn't stop hating -.-, but don't turn video games into another "reality", ok?
@kickbutt2: You probably wasn't paying attention to that wall of text I wrote for Fluttershy, Gather enough reliable evidences, intels, and logical reasons before stating an accusation, unless you want to say something irrevocably stupid. Well, I assume you're smart enough to know this and you do want to say something that would be entertaining for me to troll around with. There are plenty ppl out there who hate prime guts that are certainly NOT low lvl. I'm confident some of them are in Nitro, Unbreak, and more of them scattered all over the place. Secondly, not everyone gets to play all day long like you, I haven't logged for 2 and a half weeks, because I got REALIFE things to deal with, specifically SAT, if death is a kid like me, well, parents...if death is a grownup, well, jobs and family...there're PLENTY of good reasons to not play a damn video game, one of the most powerful one is, Realife is much much much more important than virual games!!! As for Death, he doesn't need to use like 5-6k worth of items to take a boss who drops 1k and drops worthing 6-20k, even if you're using hyperbole, he probably doesn't even need to spend one gold, he got Nitro, his fellow clannies to help him! You said the feelings are mutual, then unfortunately you are thinking like a toddler, or possibly even more immature, "I hate you? You hate me? We are not so happy family?" Last, how do you know there's only 10 kids over 120 in Nitro, and all of them over goes to prime? There're 3 obvious flaws in your claim, first, how do you know if they're kids or not? Unless you've met them in realife, or somehow manage to hack into their systems and obtain their personal info, there's just simply no way of telling the person's age, or even their gender (I bet there're ppl out there who create opposite gender toons lol); second, how do you know if there're only 10 ppl above 120, and all of them above it is in Prime? Check again, I've seen lvl 130's in Nitro, I've seen lvl 160's in Nitro, and above all they remained loyal to their clan, you're only talking about the minority of ppl who decides to "you know what? Screw Nitro, Prime here I come!!!"
Please, check your posts throughly to make sure it makes logical and actual sense before saying something irrevocably stupid. Finally, your clan is a great clan, but don't ruin its reputation by making raging extremism posts that are simply not valid.
Dang that was a lot of typing, BTW if you are wondering why I edited this so many times, I wrote this in segments, I had to go back to the posts and check with them.
Re: I'm curious about danu; greeting from rosmerta
#29wow i actually do know what im talking about theres a thing called leaderboards where you can check whose in what clan and what level. secoundly deathreaver clearly has enough time to post on every topic on all the servers in the forums practically but he can level? 3rd i dont play all the time. 4th he said he uses regen lix and 20 restos to kill=5k 5th ik the game is less important than real life i barley play itI am completely utterly speechless...well played Fluttershy...Wat?!Lol i was kicked from unbreak because i grouped prime in a boss when we need help...
As for the main topic, Why so much hate on Prime?!![]()
The only part I see that somewhat turns Prime members bad is that "No grouping outside Clan" policy.
Do you know why they don't group? Well, they hope the precious (and sometimes not so precious) drops can cycle within their clan to help ppl get the stuff they need.
If you need a boss for quest, just tell them that you will give them the drop and ACTUALLY DO IT (If you haven't been a complete arsehole most Primes would trust you)
Additionally, Solid has a point, almost EVERY SINGLE CLAN will have some meanies ruining the clans' reputation, learn to deal with it. I can say there are dorks in Nitro and even Unbreakable as well *sounds of hate guns loading*, but does it mean Nitro and Unbreakable are horrible clans? Tis' not logical!
Prime is a great clan, Nitro is a great clan, Unbreakable is a great clan, Danu is a great server! XDlogic FTW~
Well after reading through 3 pages of stuff I came up with some stuff as well![]()
I still hope you can read all this despite the "@'s". (you probably wouldn't, but are you up to the challenge?)
@ Deathreaver: It's really easy to tell whether they are lying about group full or not, if you can send them group requests and the "group full" message didn't pop up, self explanatory. If you are willing to give up the drops AND the gold and they still wouldn't let you in group DESPITE the fact that they do not have a FULL group and most likely ALL of them has completed the Test of Regulus quest (lvl req 130, most likely they all did), something is fishy... And I know A LOT of primes who are kind damn good folks who would help you with things.
@ Cazz: You hate every single server, yet you love the game so much...
@ Noodle: Competition is fun, but when it starts to get personal and goes out of control...not so fun.
@ Infamous: I don't really get the fact that why ppl roll for drops, isn't there already a randomizer for them embedded in the group bossing system? I know I know ppl who don't need it might get them and ppl who need it might not get them, if that's the case then rolling is a good idea, but I would consider a better method (maybe a line system like for the gladiator quests perhaps?). As for the lvl req, Prime is a serious clan, a clan that means business, no offense but if the point of the game is to have fun then why bother with the level req? The answer is simple: to increase the chance the clan has against other clans, and to haul in all the elites into this one big (not too big though) death squad full of high lvl badasses so they could tackle tough bosses. But hold on there, look at the 3 legends (Pocket Legends, Star legends, and Dark legends), you can still have clans there, but the game system didn't promote rivalry, because instead of grouping on will, the groups are RANDOMLY assigned, and ppl still got along pretty well, relatively speaking from a CH perspective. Well, clans are meant to be there so grouping could be easier and ppl can have a sense of well being, but at the same time, some clans took it too seriously, and transcends the game into a "reality". Players are divided into rival "groups", which correlates to realife examples of, many examples, competing companies in the economy (coca-cola vs pepsi = Prime vs Nitro?), opposing religious beliefs (well, self explanatory), opposing political parties (Democrats vs Republicans), opposing phenomons (ppl who like ponies vs ppl who hate them), etc. I can say that Unbreakable and Prime took this game a bit too seriously (not sure about Nitro though), Unbreakable is OK but their hate for rival clans is something I object (I love my clannies, no offense but some of them do have a lot of hate going on) with a ok lvl req (ranging from 70-100, sometimes if you are a guy with good rep they'd let you in early), Prime in the mean time, as I observed from the outside, let's just say they shut theirselves away from others a bit too much, ok? The "no grouping policy" is really getting on my nerves. If it weren't for some nice Prime fellows allowing me in group on Fal in exchange for the promise that I'd give them the drop (which I fulfilled), I bet my "Evil in Stonevale" quest is still stuck on Fal 0_o. Prime is still a great clan, no doubt about it, but isn't it time ppl should stop holding onto the hate for something others have done wrong WAY back in v2 (believe me, I know...)? Even if they did do something wrong in v3, or even v4 (like scamming, arena trolling), don't forget this basic principle for games, IT'S JUST A GAME!!! Even a 16 year old kid like me who certainly has an attachment to games recognized this, I hope you grownups there could acknowledge this as well. You wouldn't be getting scorch marks if I got blasted by a firebolt, You shouldn't jump of a cliff because someone took some imaginary virtual gold coins from you (a.k.a scamming, I've read about ppl actually JUMPING OFF CLIFFS (urban buildings of course) b/c someone scammed them. Some friends of mine and I got scammed several times myself, one of my friend got a bronze energy regen amulet scammed, before you say "ppffft it's only 25k lol", it meant a lot to him because he saved EVERYSINGLE bit of gold from LVL 1, without buying ANY armors and weapons of ANY KIND (except the necessarys, like bandage manual), he finally got it at lvl 40, he was so happy, a few weeks later he got scammed by this female toon b/c he decided to trust her and when she asked to borrow that bronze ammy, well you should know the rest. But he didn't went nuts b/c of that, and certainly DIDN'T JUMP OFF A CLIFF), you shouldn't try to stab yourself with a fork b/c someone decided to be a total jerk and kill steal a "precious" connacht skirmisher from you, it just, simply doesn't make sense. In general terms, a video game world is where we can escape from all that ***, an Outer Heaven, so why turn this Outer Heaven into another "real world"? Apart from all bull***, we are all here to save Dal Riata and we are all Celtics, we all love having fun enjoying a game and we probably all want to go to the restroom everytime we hear the Fingal's Cave background music theme (worked for me, would help with ppl having know
). I know ppl hate eachother, they simply couldn't stop hating -.-, but don't turn video games into another "reality", ok?
@kickbutt2: You probably wasn't paying attention to that wall of text I wrote for Fluttershy, Gather enough reliable evidences, intels, and logical reasons before stating an accusation, unless you want to say something irrevocably stupid. Well, I assume you're smart enough to know this and you do want to say something that would be entertaining for me to troll around with. There are plenty ppl out there who hate prime guts that are certainly NOT low lvl. I'm confident some of them are in Nitro, Unbreak, and more of them scattered all over the place. Secondly, not everyone gets to play all day long like you, I haven't logged for 2 and a half weeks, because I got REALIFE things to deal with, specifically SAT, if death is a kid like me, well, parents...if death is a grownup, well, jobs and family...there're PLENTY of good reasons to not play a damn video game, one of the most powerful one is, Realife is much much much more important than virual games!!! As for Death, he doesn't need to use like 5-6k worth of items to take a boss who drops 1k and drops worthing 6-20k, even if you're using hyperbole, he probably doesn't even need to spend one gold, he got Nitro, his fellow clannies to help him! You said the feelings are mutual, then unfortunately you are thinking like a toddler, or possibly even more immature, "I hate you? You hate me? We are not so happy family?" Last, how do you know there's only 10 kids over 120 in Nitro, and all of them over goes to prime? There're 3 obvious flaws in your claim, first, how do you know if they're kids or not? Unless you've met them in realife, or somehow manage to hack into their systems and obtain their personal info, there's just simply no way of telling the person's age, or even their gender (I bet there're ppl out there who create opposite gender toons lol); second, how do you know if there're only 10 ppl above 120, and all of them above it is in Prime? Check again, I've seen lvl 130's in Nitro, I've seen lvl 160's in Nitro, and above all they remained loyal to their clan, you're only talking about the minority of ppl who decides to "you know what? Screw Nitro, Prime here I come!!!"
Please, check your posts throughly to make sure it makes logical and actual sense before saying something irrevocably stupid. Finally, your clan is a great clan, but don't ruin its reputation by making raging extremism posts that are simply not valid.
Dang that was a lot of typing, BTW if you are wondering why I edited this so many times, I wrote this in segments, I had to go back to the posts and check with them.
-kickbutt level 140+ warrior [dps]
-onlysniper level 50+ ranger [dps] [inactive]
-gregmoth level 60 mage on v1 [deleted]
-fankai level 61+ druid [dual log]
-onlysniper level 50+ ranger [dps] [inactive]
-gregmoth level 60 mage on v1 [deleted]
-fankai level 61+ druid [dual log]
Re: I'm curious about danu; greeting from rosmerta
#30sorry about that... wait im not because its you. but we gave unbreak and nirto more than enough chances for us to group them until they backstabbed us making our only prime policyyeah every clan has its handful of poopies![]()
some clans have more than a handful and i make sure never to join them...
and i actually did that for some ow bosses trying to say id give them drop but they just didnt respond
wouldnt even accept 1k in addition to the drop
they killed and left
it doesnt work with prime
only unbreakable listens
there is only one primie i dont like who kses me at every opportunity but i like everyone in the clan
i dont like the CLAN
its no grouping policy screws me over at least 4 times a day on my limited weekends
-kickbutt level 140+ warrior [dps]
-onlysniper level 50+ ranger [dps] [inactive]
-gregmoth level 60 mage on v1 [deleted]
-fankai level 61+ druid [dual log]
-onlysniper level 50+ ranger [dps] [inactive]
-gregmoth level 60 mage on v1 [deleted]
-fankai level 61+ druid [dual log]