Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

I'm ignored ._.

So I recently decided to write an appeal to reactivate my ranger (DeadlyRange) who was on an account with my mage (StrangeSoul) as I didn't do anything forbidden. My email contained anything an appeal needs but I haven't recieved a reply so far, and I've been waiting for a month. I wondered how this could be caused, and if my dear admin could please reactivate the account :)

Re: I'm ignored ._.

All emails and appeals have now been answered, if you haven't gotten a response please send in a ticket or PM me here.

The fastest way of getting a response from support is from ingame tickets, however all appeals have to be sent to the appeals team which can take a little longer to process.
Please PM me for Support Issues
Morgana is back in the house! ~ Meow!

Re: I'm ignored ._.

All emails and appeals have now been answered, if you haven't gotten a response please send in a ticket or PM me here.

The fastest way of getting a response from support is from ingame tickets, however all appeals have to be sent to the appeals team which can take a little longer to process.
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Houston/rogue216-lvl 216 combined-140 rogue and 76 druid,

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