On the game called GuildWars we started a nice clan called Heretic's Brotherhood. Unfortunately people stopped being very active and I didn't play GuildWars at all anymore. Anyhow the old people are still in the guild and log in every now and then to chat with some old friends.
Our goal on Celtic Heroes is to become a nice active clan. Size doesn't matter compared to quality.
-We strongly encourage teamplay in this clan!
-We offer you a friendly and helpfull community if you are also fiendly and helpfull to our members.
Read them carefully! You can point lawbreakers to this page or report them by sending a private message to someone out of the contacts on the button of the page. These rules are here for a reason.
1. Honor, Discipline and Respect
Treat everyone including non-clanmembers with respect, don't scam or exploit, help eachother, care about your fellow members and they will care about you! If someone breaks this rule go to "rule number 5".
2. Language
We will all speak proper English in this clan to avoid misunderstandings. Speak your own language in private chats! Don't spam or advertise/beg in the clan chat or on this website forums!
3. Helpfullness
We encourage teamplay! But don't use other players by letting them do everything for you. If someone breaks this rule go to "rule number 5".
4. Worthy
All members should agree with these rules before entering the clan.
5. Loyalty
Those who do not agree with these rules can not join this clan! Lawbreakers should be reported here! After a few warnings you will be kicked out of the clan if you're member, and guardians will be demoted.
6. Basic
Do not spam the "Shout" chat. Do not Kill Steal. Do not swear.
Are you interested and willing to join this clan?
You can contact us in-game or message us on the forum.
Chieftain: SsHeretic,
Guardian: RazorEye,
Forum: http://ss-heretic.webs.com/
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