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2 Clans 1 Monopoly

As we should all be aware both of the 2 larger clans in Rosmerta are basically the same clan-most members have alts in each clan-making them essentially the same clan, despite the adamant denials from both sides. One is full of thugs with a mob mentality, picking on those who are 30-40 levels below them and are unarmed and outnumbered, but where would they be without their fellow clannies' support? The other clan presents itself as peaceful, but we all know they too are hypocrites. This second clan won't back you up in the arena, so don't even bother asking them for anything-rather they hold an unspoken fellowship with the first clan. They say they are against arena fighting, but they stir the pot as much as anyone else. Also members from both clans claim to have access to multiple accounts in either clan...pretty sure that Account sharing is not within user agreement guidelines, but then again little they do is. The worst part is all the people here who want to join these clans and congest our server with more degenerate activity. These clans are overcrowding and monopolizing our server...leave some for the smaller clans with good intentions.

My point is instead of further feeding the problem, why not join a clan that isn't a Rosmerta monopoly? Let us level the playing field and make the game more enjoyable for everyone once again.

Every time one of you kills me in the arena you are further proving my point. Killing a druid is shameful enough, let alone one that is levels beneath you and one you won't be pvping from. One day your glory will cease, once everyone else comes to realize these facts.

By the way, i don't instigate arena drama, nor do I intend to. If, and I emphasize if, I do kill in the arena it is an act of retaliation at those who initiated it. I have every person who has ever insulted me, mouthed me off, or initiated arena drama BLOCKED. So if I don't answer you there is a reason.

This conversation is over...
Seraphim911- 163 Druid

Re: 2 Clans 1 Monopoly

lollllllll i walk and you and jos kill me? wth i do?
I honestly dont see why you care so much about the bigger clans? is it because you cant be in em?Jelly of them?
you can have fun in the game without having to worry about the "2 clans"
Arena isnt going anywhere so get use to it

Re: 2 Clans 1 Monopoly

And the hate goes on (and on).

I'm always shocked at the lies people tell and believe: All members are in multiple clans....all members have alts and share accounts...all of revenge is really one or two people sharing accounts

the worst lie, IMHO is that the big clans are not about fun, not about helping people and are basically full of insane people who like to do nothing but mess with others.

Are there people like that? Yea, there are...but I don't think I would describe any clan as being full of that kind of person. Do we defend members? Yes. If you kill one of ours off a glad I can assure you that you are going to have problems.

As far as helping people...wow...we help people in our clan to excess...unbelieveable amounts of help in the game. Tips, training groups, builds, gear and multiple members of all large clans help smaller clans with donations, bosses etc. I know this because I've been there...seen it... and have no reason to lie about it.

but I know you won't listen. Most dont.

Re: 2 Clans 1 Monopoly

do u have any evidence? or just invent it?

P.S.first time jos killed me on glad i never know him before and when i kill HIS ALT on glad he pissed? wth lol
!!!Classic Servant!!!

Re: 2 Clans 1 Monopoly

You and joslynn are probably the biggest hypocrite i know in this game LOL :lol:
Last edited by Jailbait on Thu Oct 17, 2013 6:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Classic lvl 223 rogue
Clan: Chieftain of Mythology


Re: 2 Clans 1 Monopoly

Plus joslynn pretty much called war on our clan so GOODLUCK :lol:
Classic lvl 223 rogue
Clan: Chieftain of Mythology


Re: 2 Clans 1 Monopoly

No, not jealous. I don't feel excluded, nor would it matter if I was the last person in Rosmerta who was not a part of these clans. I would not join, just on principle.

And yes, the arena isn't going anywhere

To Mookie that's so charitable of your clan. I'm not speaking about what your clan does for itself, rather what it does to others. If gang ba*ging in the arena is your idea of supporting your members then you're right on that. Jos and I haven't ever done anything to your members without cause from revenge or horizons. You people have so many alts you can't keep track of them.

Regardless what any of you want to say about Joslynn and myself you are all full of lies. But then I would expect no less than lies from people like you. I sit beside Joslynn and I see all the crap people say and all the things people do, and you claim this bs about him starting it...it all started as a personal vendetta between Joslynn and Classic and then the rest of you decided to get involved, telling lies and stories about how he ksed you on your glad blah blah blah, whining to me about it like i care or believe it. As soon as you see one of us in the arena you call for your clan to back you up...how can you hold your heads up proud of your shameful lying.

I NEVER had a problem with your clans until you started this redundant crap with Joslynn, and then took it out on me.

And jailbait...what a handle...we are all hypocrites
Seraphim911- 163 Druid

Re: 2 Clans 1 Monopoly

And I am also getting tired of you people saying I'm one of Joslynn's alts. If you took the time to get to know us, you would realize that we are two completely different people. :lol:

Thank you for all the attention
Seraphim911- 163 Druid

Re: 2 Clans 1 Monopoly

lol...I never even knew jos until I was attacked from behind and turned around to find a hammer sticking out of my bum.

so this idea of a bandwagon effect with people just jumping in is nonsense. For the most part I never get involved in the arena...but if someone attacks me, multiple times...for no reason? Yeah, I'll attack them back...why not?

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