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Re: EKG is Back

One last thing, the temporary peace within Resurgence will not last as long as you think. That is not a threat or even my hope. It is just a pattern that I was so foolish not to have seen earlier. People abandon their clan for a better chance at drops and endgame. When the update comes, the drama within clans will increase again as it has happened every single update before that. I even fell into the pattern by leaving celts, using the same excuses that res used, and I regret it dearly.
If i am looking at Res from bada's point of view, I would think and wish the same way too.
But sorry to disappoint you, but we are focused on our goal, and that is to beat end game bosses while enjoying the game, and earn more friends, and definitely not to destroy any clan. And because of that, i can say that we are becoming more united as a clan and less drama.
I cant say the clan wont come to an end, everything does, but if this continues, you will have to wait a little bit longer than you think or hope for.
The old Uskoci was ready to fight, losing 9/10 dl bosses to bada really sucks, some joined bada with their own reasons and we respect that. If we are just playing for drops and endgame, we could have jumped to bada a long time ago.

Obfionn, Tomo, and Bubbles saw the pattern and apparently it takes an experience such as this in order to finally notice it as well.
You forgot to mention TEA.
Check the pattern again. I noticed its the absence of leadership that caused most clan members to quit, and not the other way around.
The reason why people of Celts abandoned the clan because Obi became inactive leader, OY tried to revive it but became inactive also, as well as TEA for celtsreigns, Tomo for Usk. Whereas to Bubbles, he handed Bada to Smelly before he quit, thats why bada became intact and later on phur became the chief.
World: Epona
Clan: Enigma


Re: EKG is Back

Raven mentions in his rather long post that bada were preventing usk players from progressing that would be something like exactly whats happening in arawn now even at server reset bada chaos and vavari were at aggy and res took kill and the joint group after losing lock did obalix and you guys r still preventing any non res player from doing dl bosses
Exactly what your accusing bada of doing in the first place
Doing Magic stuff since June 2011

Re: EKG is Back

@Gabee I said it was not even my hope or wish and you still do not see the entire pattern.

Most people stayed in Uskoci out of fear that they had no chance of getting into Bada and would ruin relations with Uskoci, effectively shutting them out of endgame.

I never really spoke to tea much so I am not sure if he ever noticed it. Perhaps he did, I do not know.

So here is some deeper analysis of the situation that really does indicate what res is founded on and what the people in it are after. Badabing broke apart, originally just the "leaders" and they took our bank as well. I do not understand, how can you be in a clan that was founded on scamming? If you truly wanted peace, Uskoci could have just left the bada break up alone and continue on their way.

I am quite certain they would have had far more success with dragonlord bosses, eventually outfitting the clan. Uskoci without the ex-bada members had enough people as the clans that killed Mordris. Uskoci also gave up their identity and respect to join res.

Such actions, in my opinion, are the result of desperation. The same desperation that would lead a few people to over bolasing, intentionally aoeing, joining a clan to get drops faster, etc. The true extent of the desperation is found in the fact that a large amount of Uskoci joined the small amount of res. Why not ask them to join? Is it because they had control of people with drops?

I know whoever replies will hide behind the "it was time for peace" but did you really expect peace jumping ship to a few people who were willing to steal dl drops? It almost seems like: "Hey, we are going to steal this one more time and then be good people again."

I honestly had more respect for Uskoci. They had a few disagreeable people but the clan had a fairly good leadership and was founded on friendship, respect, and trust.

Re: EKG is Back

Welcome back EKG... since this become a Bada resurg Usk topic I'll throw my 2 cents in. Sorry for perpetuating this but I've wanted to say this for a while so here goes. Sorry for the long post it's been on my mind for months... When so many people come up to me and call me a traitor or I can’t believe you joined Resurg Look below: this is why and what I've seen and heard and understand.

You can say all you want about different players and leaders in res but both Smelly and Katz helped me when I was in Uskoci with crests and rings as I leveled up while they were in Bada!!!! And here is the crux of what Bada was doing that caused the split. BADA HAD A DL BANK!~!!!!!!! Yes this meant that they were hoarding DL and as we all know started using every tactic they could think of including over-bolasing when USK had the lock, to keep Uskoci from getting DL. There were other activities as well that were improper that were employed (if you are really interested whisper me). Eventually this became the most important thing in the clan....DESTROY USK! Well it worked in a way (Usk is still around but not the same as before). But the result was not what was intended I'm sure.... as some of the best players of the game, the core of Bada, left to create resurg.

Yeah, I hear players say this is competition but I went to other worlds and the clans that had power only fought DL during their peak hours. There were always times when the other clans could progress. I have heard that some say that USK wasn't as dedicated. This is incorrect there were months of Glass board emails about bosses that I could show you. USk was a multinational clan with people on 24/7. But It's simple also ... groups with DL always can out-lock a group without DL especially if they camp and time every single DL boss every single spawn 24/7. Smelly came to the leaders of USK months before Res formed telling us that Bada's tactic was to destroy USK. He didn't like it. Because he didn't want to play the game of hoarding DL.....he was disrespected along with Katz and eventually Phur by some of the less mature members of Bada. (I was not in bada but this is from what they have told me) So it seemed that the whole point and goal of bada was to destroy USK by getting DL drops and recruit USk high levels with these digital carrots.

SO From my understanding Res was formed by people who were tired of the tactics being used against mature players who had spent time and money in the game. They felt disrespected by less mature members of Bada and wanted a change. The goal was a low drama endgame clan which was intent on pursuing endgame bosses NOT DESTROYING ANOTHER CLAN. The clan rule was basically don't cause drama in the clan, and we were all starting over no matter what happened in the past. This is how Res is...Oh and I was in another endgame clan that was much the same way. Serenity! yeah it was more than just a name the clan was all the highlevels formed to have a low drama clan for killing endgame bosses. (this appealed to me about resurg)

Now I have heard that some have said that people joined res for drops. This may be true but I consider it progression. People are spending lots of money on this game to be the best and to be stopped from reaching their potential because they are not in a clan... Bollocks! Yes resurg battles Bada for DL drops but it is to gear up their members for Mordis. It is not IMHO an overall hatred of a clan and to destroy them. Oh and guess what Resurg doesn't have a DL HOARDING Bank. I just don't see the hate in the clan chat. Now I know there are some resurg that hate bada members and vice versa but the focus is not on destroying a clan it is on End Game....it's on Mordis.

I left Usk because I had many more friends in resurg. I too wanted to progress (I won't lie) but having friends in the clan was the most important aspect. Also the fact that in USK we would camp DL for hours and hours to have drops go to a clan that didn't need them! I knew res would not have the same problem. Still It was a very hard decision. And Loyalty to a video game clan???!!!!! I am there for my friends no mater what clan they are in. Now here's a thing that I had to learn that it would behoove you all to learn. Long ago (way before Bada) I told myself that I would never get upset when someone left my clan. And I have tried to maintain that. I can't say I have done that for every instance but for most I have. In fact there is the one reason for me moving from any clan I have joined and that is I have Joined the clan that makes me the happiest. I have counseled many a player to do this... So if you are joining a clan that you are happy in Awesome!! That's all anyone can ask. TBH Staying in a clan that you cannot be happy in because of loyalty is far worse!!!

As EKG mentioned I am surprised that more people haven't joined Resurg from bada but I know that some of it is about past wrongs and perceptions. I have chosen to move forward. And although I respect the Bada members that formed Resurg we have not always seen eye to eye when we were in competing clans. But that is over....the past is forgotten and I look forward to the future.

OK this is my rant or my understanding...I have no issues with anyone in Bada...In fact I consider many friends. Well unless they kill me on a quest doing a gladiator or kill mobs when I am leveling .... This behavior tends to make me less fond of the particular person. I will not say Bada is full of a bunch of miscreants who disrupt and interfere with other peoples games just because one person does something wrong. I know this is not true. And unfortunately clans today don't kick members for bad behavior so it is what we live with. It is an unfortunate escalation of behavior. It is a "If you do this to me or my clannies I am going to do it to you" mentality. Sad but true. Oh and some Resurg members have taken to some behavior that I would never condone but it is the way they feel they have to play.

Hopefully people will talk in game and come to an understanding....but unfortunately bad behavior gets rewarded and encouraged so I doubt that will ever happen. Oh one last interesting fact... the players that created the aggie cooperation between clans...that worked out issues in the past...that talked when there were problems instead of posting on the forums... Well for the most part the old Bada and Usk members responsible for bringing about cooperation and a set of guidelines for behavior in Arawn... Guess what? They are all in Resurg.

I want to say this to the New Bada. Are you willing to do what we did a year or two ago? (bring about cooperation and a set of guidelines for behavior in Arawn) I know the members of Resurg and from my viewpoint I think they would like to have that and less drama..... Oh and I am speaking as a clannie.. I am not a leader of any sort in Resurg.

Welcome back to this new Arawn Landscape EKG.....Part of my rant and Ramble was to give you my viewpoint of it. Hope to see you around!
To be clear, yes there was a desire in Bada to Destroy Usk. What you don't seem to know is that sentiment was perpetuated by the former chief of the clan. He came up with all sorts of wonderful ideas like 'let's ks this Aggy from them' and things like that. Unfortunately at that time, and later as well, he showed that when he doesn't get his way, he will leave his clan. Bada is actually a much better place without him.

Peace on the server is a good thing. The desire for peace was there with the notion of destroying Usk. If there is no one to compete against you, things will be quiet and drama free. The formation of Res gave him what he thought was that chance. Take out Bada and Usk both who would have otherwise been competition. But that didnt work so he is probably formulating some other plan right now. I wouldn't be suprised if you soon hear 'we need to destroy Bada' in clan chat if you don't already.

As was stated earlier, the dl bank was being used to hear up members. Many people were working hard to get items for themselves and lvling to be able to use them. I don't fully understand how that is hoarding. At the same time, while bada is working to rebuild and gear up people with dl, there have been too many times that Res comes out of the woodwork to stop us from getting these drops. More often than not, all the Res members who show up already have full dl. To say that one clan doing it is wrong while your clan does it is totally hipocritical. The fact that you have been there when it happens means that you condone this sort of behavior.

Clans are going to do what they do. Right now, Res posts are all about someone trying to piss down everyone's backs and tell us it's raining. Maybe we aren't seeing the big picture, maybe someone has all of you fooled. Only time will tell.
Beware the chickens, they are duplicitous.

Re: EKG is Back

Squidly, you say that more times than not Res shows up at DL fights with members already in full DL? Does Bada not do the same? Res is simply trying to as you said about Bada gear its members in DL armor. There is nothing wrong with full DL members hitting DL bosses. Res is simply trying to armor its members as well as possible. The goal being of course taking down end game bosses. You as I am sure are fully aware of the bonuses that come with a full set of DL armor. So, with that being said, we actually have similar interest in mind.. That being gear all members of our clans with full DL.

Re: EKG is Back

Squidly, you say that more times than not Res shows up at DL fights with members already in full DL? Does Bada not do the same? Res is simply trying to as you said about Bada gear its members in DL armor. There is nothing wrong with full DL members hitting DL bosses. Res is simply trying to armor its members as well as possible. The goal being of course taking down end game bosses. You as I am sure are fully aware of the bonuses that come with a full set of DL armor. So, with that being said, we actually have similar interest in mind.. That being gear all members of our clans with full DL.
The point was not that Res shows up in full dl armor to take down bosses. The point is that one of your clan members basically said that Bada was greedy for having a clan bank for dl drops and not giving others a chance to do so. Currently Res does try as much as possible to keep Bada from getting these drops, for the very same reason that Bada tried to keep Usk from getting the drops, so we can hear up clan members for endgame. To say that it wasn't acceptable for a clan to do it to you but it's ok to do it to another clan is just a fine example of a double standard.

Again, don't say it isn't ok for someone to do something to you and not expect someone to throw the bs apple at you when you do it to someone else.

Going back to an earlier Night paragraph, respect is a two way street. I am not saying that other players were not disrespectful to some of Bada's former leadership. Respect has to be earned and, with different cultures playing the game, respect is subjective. There are certain people that expect immediate respect without offering the same in return. Sometimes you get what you give. Can't go crying about it when it happens.
Beware the chickens, they are duplicitous.

Re: EKG is Back

Squid is a rational person and a friend so I shall respond to him courteously.

Resurg has no intention to destroy any other clan and there is no hatred against any clan as well. As for resurg camping dl bosses, we still need the drops for lower level members and certainly for snorri, we need many more crowns for weapons and mainhands. We don't camp spider anymore as we don't need any more.

As for Resurg preventing bada getting dl bosses, this is no different from bada preventing uskoci getting dl bosses pre resurg. The only difference is the motivation. Bada pre resurg was camping dl bosses to stop uskoci from getting any dl drops. Go check back your current chief rage on gb when uskoci got their first dl boss. Resurg camping dl bosses is to get drops and not to stop another clan getting drops when we no longer need them.

When there is competition between clans, of course each will want to lock bosses for their clan. Otherwise, why have different clans. We might as well all merge into one big clan on Arawn.

Squid as u know, i have always been against bada oppressing uskoci. Even BB was dead against what bada was doing to oppress uskoci. Former chief did what he did to protect bada but we are glad he realised constant fight and desire to drive another clan out was wrong. When he wanted to invite many of those in uskoci over to bada and give everyone a chance to start afresh, some in bada objected and called for a vote to disallow certain former uskoci members to join bada. That was the last straw and former chief then decided that enough was enough and he didn't want to be dealing with the endless drama within and outside bada clan due to irreconcilable differences among members. So, he decided to leave and the rest, as they say, is history.

Re: EKG is Back

And squid talking about respect getting respect, only last night, a bada warrior was still resetting snorri when I thought the current chief said he is trying to build a bada that Bubbles had envisioned.

Also, u have a level 182 mage who ks his own clan member who was levelling where his alt was levelling resulting in the member leaving bada. If you have member who does not even show respect to his own fellow clan member and bada leadership tolerates it, then that is the end of a great clan. This was also the main reason why I left bada. Ruffian behaviour was tolerated and my constant call to kick those rascal members ignored. This is fine if everyone in the clan wants to be a rascal. Then declare that you are a rogue clan and out to cause trouble.

I think the problem is that just because those rascals camp bosses day and night and the chief is so grateful to them, everything else they did could be justified and condoned. That unfortunately brought down the great bada.

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