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OTM why?

Why did you guys fix the bugged new bracelets that give 5% blocking to there certain resist.... You kept the bugged energy bracers from otherworold and other bugged items.... Now you take away the bugged we bought... Then you should have to take away other bugged everything...
DIAMONDNOBLE9-179+ ROUGE Full DragonLord
DiamonAye-76+Rouge Arawn
Proud Clansman of Inner Circle

Re: OTM why?

This post is ridiculous, the bugged brace allowed people negate literally any damage. I cant speak for the elemental/energy one but the health/melee damage bracelet was definitely Beyond OP.

Its a good thing they fixed otherwise dynamics in the game will be messed up as it acted like an energy shield for anyone. I believe only chaos and elemental damage actually carried through when attacked by a mob with such type of attacks.

It made people more or less invincible.
In order to prove how OP this was i borrowed a clannies brace and tried it out on mordris fireblood trolls and this was the result. Thus I'm not entirely sure but that resulted in a friend of mine sending a support ticket through to avoid it being exploited.
Thts about 8 of them in that pile.
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SeverousSnape L200 Mage
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Re: OTM why?

If a person equipped two of the bracelets pretty much all damage was negated besides chaos damage one was for physical damage and the other for elemental damage. This alone was beyond op and would have allowed easy tanking of any boss, kind of wonder if anyone took advantaged and killed mordris like this or if they couldnt before killed hrung.

Re: OTM why?

If a person equipped two of the bracelets pretty much all damage was negated besides chaos damage one was for physical damage and the other for elemental damage. This alone was beyond op and would have allowed easy tanking of any boss, kind of wonder if anyone took advantaged and killed mordris like this or if they couldnt before killed hrung.
we killed hrung and mordy :)
Ephraim, 191 Dps Rogue
Proud part of Resurgence/Arawn
aka Ezekiell

Re: OTM why?

Why did you guys fix the bugged new bracelets that give 5% blocking to there certain resist.... You kept the bugged energy bracers from otherworold and other bugged items.... Now you take away the bugged we bought... Then you should have to take away other bugged everything...
The "opness" of the bugged energy bracer is nothing compared to this...

This is one of those bugs that just simply have to be fixed.

Re: OTM why?

i thank otm for fixing this...like yilley said people could basically kill WHATEVER they wanted with these which would cause an uproar between clans on the same world and all... the opness of this brac was too much....due to this brac druids would most likely become useless if otm never found out and fixed this...and who knows 1 guy could even solo aggy :S
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- chieftain of lazy drunks
- 223 Dg ranger


Re: OTM why?

i thank otm for fixing this...like yilley said people could basically kill WHATEVER they wanted with these which would cause an uproar between clans on the same world and all... the opness of this brac was too much....due to this brac druids would most likely become useless if otm never found out and fixed this...and who knows 1 guy could even solo aggy :S
Mordris :shock:

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