I know the answer already... Im sure Admin will say no, but id like to hear what people who opened many chests on day 1 compared to opening chests now after update.
Day 1 - 400 chests (300 bought with purchased plat)
49 pieces of Hunter Fashion
14 charms
12 instruments
2 fellspine mounts (1 85%)
4000 plat which bought 100 extra chests
Day 2 - 120 chests (100 bought with purchased plat)
4 pieces of Hunter Fashion
1 charm
1 instrument
- 1 dark green short haired wig with curls
- 1 blue sunlit trousers (yes its available in shop!!)
800 plat
Numbers dont lie.... I was going to purchase an additional 100 but Ill wait till I get more info from all of you.
Were the chests changed?
#1Pre-Update 5
Deucaleon- 203
Brightblade- 201
Pre-Update 4
Deucaleon-Warrior level 161
Pre-update 3
Deucaleon-Warrior level 105
Drucaleon-Druid level 90
Brightblade-Rogue level 101
Deucalion-Ranger level 90
Ducaleon-Mage level 96
Deucaleon- 203
Brightblade- 201
Pre-Update 4
Deucaleon-Warrior level 161
Pre-update 3
Deucaleon-Warrior level 105
Drucaleon-Druid level 90
Brightblade-Rogue level 101
Deucalion-Ranger level 90
Ducaleon-Mage level 96