Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Were the chests changed?

Yes it was the third prize. What reason is it even in the loot table?!
Pre-Update 5
Deucaleon- 203
Brightblade- 201

Pre-Update 4
Deucaleon-Warrior level 161

Pre-update 3
Deucaleon-Warrior level 105
Drucaleon-Druid level 90
Brightblade-Rogue level 101
Deucalion-Ranger level 90
Ducaleon-Mage level 96

Re: Were the chests changed?

Hi there, no the chests weren't changed, this was purely a bug fix patch as described in the notes.

I'll get the team to do a double check to make sure there were no inadvertant changes, but it's unlikey given the entire focus of the team was fixing reported bugs.

Re: Were the chests changed?

Hi there, no the chests weren't changed, this was purely a bug fix patch as described in the notes.

I'll get the team to do a double check to make sure there were no inadvertant changes, but it's unlikey given the entire focus of the team was fixing reported bugs.
^ he called it

Re: Were the chests changed?

My first chest today netted me a yellow sunlit top... To top it off it was a female only top.... :roll:
In my opinion sunlit fashion should not be in Samhain chests especially since the basic color versions, all except black and white, weren't even in the original Beltane chests! At least the original black and white sunlit were unisex....
MaxeesVigor 200 druid
Independent of Lugh

Re: Were the chests changed?

That blue sunlit was actually the third prize wasn't it?
Yes the heroic energy lix were the second prize.
Fail xD
My point was whoever it was said that the fourth prize is supposed to be rare even though the sunlit was the third prize.

[list][*]Vulture - Level 220 Rogue
[*]Venus - Level 195 Druid[/list][/color]

Re: Were the chests changed?

Why are we clearly recieving sunlit event item from chests i spent $ 200 on plat today expecting spooky items for this event ONLY and when i bought chests and opened 100 of em I recieve female wigs, sunlit pants like i feel as though you guys OWE me back plat or should add half of the value of plat that I spent because these chests are not event related to spooky items of this event at all. Bottom line!

And then over top of that how are you gonna give us sunlit fashion thats NOT even rare which people can still buy thats not rare at all thats still available inside the castle !!!!
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