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Re: Best class??

warriors don't do much more damage than a good mage though... I'd say warriors typically have highest survivability and crowd control perhaps?
Wars dont do more damage than mages period
What if it's a support mage?
A mage at heart... Fire mage that is.
Currently actively playing the game.

Re: Best class??

For scarcity- druid, not a lot of ppl want to stand there and heal ppl, with severe energy issues and trouble solo lvling, but essential for boss fights and survivability of others.
For dps- rogue, rogue designed to serve one purpose, dishing out the dmg.
For toughness (and currently, opness in pvp)- warrior, insane armor, good dps, SHATTER and RUPTURE, total knockout (currently most frequently considered op in pvp)
For nukes- mage, dish out alot in one hit (skill based) but not good for long term dps, but may do well in bosses (with their insane def so auto classes go miss miss miss miss miss)
For all around- ranger, bolas awesome, not so awesome on bosses b/c evades (good if there're rogues to do expose weakness), good dps, light heal saves lives. Currently considered worst in pvp, though I'd say they tie with druids.

Ultimate decision- warrior (for v4, who knows what will happen in v5)

Re: Best class??

For all around- ranger, bolas awesome, not so awesome on bosses b/c evades (good if there're rogues to do expose weakness), good dps, light heal saves lives. Currently considered worst in pvp, though I'd say they tie druid.
Solid have you ever played a ranger? Terrible dps and pvp dont even try pvp. At 133 ive lost to a lvl. 89 warrior that had crappy gear when I had the best gear ig(full frozen radiant aggy stuffs). Rangers suck on bosses. Bolas costs wayy way to much energy and a lot of rangers dont even use lh.

Re: Best class??

For all around- ranger, bolas awesome, not so awesome on bosses b/c evades (good if there're rogues to do expose weakness), good dps, light heal saves lives. Currently considered worst in pvp, though I'd say they tie druid.
Solid have you ever played a ranger? Terrible dps and pvp dont even try pvp. At 133 ive lost to a lvl. 89 warrior that had crappy gear when I had the best gear ig(full frozen radiant aggy stuffs). Rangers suck on bosses. Bolas costs wayy way to much energy and a lot of rangers dont even use lh.
I doubt about terrible dps, I get beaten by ragners my lvl in pvp so druids and rangers are tied in worst, warriors are op in pvp atm what do you expect of course you get pwned. Rangers are good on bosses if they use entangle and bolas (kiting, for melee bosses only) it helps ALOT, it's really the energy cost and evades bogging them down. Bolas costs energy but with regens you would recov, so the really only reason I see why rangers don't use bolas is b/c evades and lowers dps if you use dmg skills like long shot.

It's like why not alot of mages use eboost/sacrifice. Both are good skills for energy management and helping others with energy issues but they don't use them b/c it lowers dps.

Re: Best class??

Solid have you ever played a ranger? Terrible dps and pvp dont even try pvp. At 133 ive lost to a lvl. 89 warrior that had crappy gear when I had the best gear ig(full frozen radiant aggy stuffs). Rangers suck on bosses. Bolas costs wayy way to much energy and a lot of rangers dont even use lh.
Complete agreement about rangers in pvp but on your claim that rangers have "terrible dps" and "suck on bosses" I gotta disagree. While, on the whole, rangers will never compete with rogues or mages for dps; with a smart build (dex/str/hybrid/etc dependent on your lvl), decent gear, and a lure monkey, rangers can achieve significant dps. On soloing bosses, Entangle/bolas might not hit every time but they make a significant difference when they do. As support, rangers are very useful in groups with Sharpen, Bolas, Entangle, and Light Heal. They can effectively solo level without the need for hp and energy lixes, and even though bolas do cost a lot of energy, rangers kiting is a very common tactic on full dl bosses to compensate for lack of numbers of druids online.

My opinion is biased ofc - I am a lvl 176 Ranger ;)

Re: Best class??

The best overall class, in my opinion is rogue. Rogues have great DPS, decent survivability, and are fun to play. Rogues have good PVP capabilities, and are relatively easy to level.

Warrior is also fun, but can be hard to level with a tank build. Warriors can have decent DPS and are excellent at PVP.

Druids are the best at healing, can have great DPS with the right build, and are a welcome addition to all boss groups. They do however have issues with energy consumption and usage. Druids can solo level effectively, depending on their build.

Mages are a nuke damage/support class, who also have good DPS capabilities. Like druids, mages suffer from energy issues, and also have next to no armour. Mages are hard to solo level, but are good to have at boss fights.

Rangers are good at healing, and have some survival capabilities (this does depend on what build you use), but are the weakest PVP class, due to light heal being nerfed, and bolas only lasting a miserable 7 seconds. Ranger DPS also needs a boost. With full dragon lord armour however, rangers become a balanced class (from what I have heard).

Overall, the current best class is rogue.
World: Sulis

Chieftain of Recruitsofjah

Clansman of Soldiersofjah

Re: Best class??

Honestly every class is great and they each relie on each other one way or another. They sort of in a way balance out the ups and downs of each other like a mage and a druid, one heals great the other attacks great. So it's safe to say no class is better than one another cause they all have good things and bad things about them. :D
Darius Wyvern Level 94 Chieftain of TheImmortals Class:Warrior ,World: Crom
I will make a comeback soon...

Re: Best class??

I think Druid is currently best all around class, if you can get them high enough.

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Re: Best class??

I think Druid is currently best all around class, if you can get them high enough.
Lol pfff the guy who just wrote this named aileron is the best warrior slash best player and never had died since god knows when, If he was to pvp just him alone I beat not even all of his own members together couldn't kill him. Just my opinion on best class - Warrior and he makes me believe it by his godly thinking brain. :D
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