The Usk break up was nothing compared to the Bada break up. There was separation and people who quit but I do not remember any scams. I believe, after seeing us break up, they could have reformed and easily taken advantage of us.Doc u wonder y uskoci didnt just leave bada break-up alone. Well if u dont remember uskoci had broken up before bada, thus there was not a 'strong uskoci' that had the ability to kill dl bosses and, later on, mordris. In addition, Phur had been planning on merging with some uskoci members anyway (the reason bada broke up), its not like they only decided to join phur after bada break-up.
There was no large amount of uskoci joining resurg suddenly. Only a few joined initially. Most joined over the next couple of weeks as the chaos cleared; many people simply followed their friends to resurg, they were not picking the stronger clan because at the time bada was still dominant at dl bosses, and they were so for a couple weeks.
Within 24 hours of the "incident," resurgence already had about 3/4 of the members it has at the moment. Yes, I realise there were plans for a merge before the break up but even after what phur did, people immediately joined.
Yes, I know. The only reason I mentioned this was to correct Night who said that Badabing started it and they retaliated.Even though uskoci members started the over-bolasing tactic bada replicated them after a day or two; nobody involved with dl bosses is innocent. Any who claim so, disregard less of clan, has most likely attempted to reset a boss; I know I have, yet I also know people who order others to taunt/root/bolas/calm, some in bada, some in resurg
A clan does in part add on to your identity. Not your entire reputation but it still makes a contribution. My implication was that Uskoci was honourable while Resurgence is not, therefore, leaving a clan like Uskoci for Resurgence would be trading one aspect of your identity for another. Like it or not, those blue letters do impact what people will think of you.I also notice that you believe uskoci members gave up their identity to join resurg? That seems quite shallow, are you saying that a few blue letters above one's name is their identity? Then does that mean that a clanless person has no identity? Or maybe they lose their identity when they join a clan? A person should not be judged on the name above their heads, I have always maintained this. Judge by person by their actions not a word above their name in coloured letters
No, that was not all my questions. Please do not avoid the other ones, I am still curious. Help me understand.Is that all your questions? Any more?
Let me now have the pleasure of asking you or another bada member one:
if you are replicating Bubble's philosophy then why is there such an abundance of hate and judgement? From what I hear of Bubbles he would not hate anyone based on their clan yet many resurg members face dislike and hate from bada daily. Currently I can think of 2, maybe 3 bada that are still friendly to me after I left, some ignore me, some lie to my face... why do you judge us on some blue letters? why do you speak out against us on forums if you are embracing Bubble's ideaology?
It is hard not to hate and pass judgement. I myself do not hate any of you. I just find it interesting, the human behavioural directive to attain power. I am sorry for those hateful people you meet and I am trying to alleviate the hate.
The reason for the judgement is simple. By joining Resurgence, you are agreeing to what it was founded on and the type of people in it. From the eyes of many, you are supporting a bank scam and dishonourable behaviour. Now, if you say that you deserve separation from what resurgence was founded on, then why join the clan? It obviously was not for peace because the creation and settling of Resurgence, as well as the rest of Arawn, does not qualify as peaceful at all. There are also people saying that it was not for drops or out of greed. Then why join? I am not trying to insult, only understand.