As far as prime goes, I was one of the original players in the merger of defiant and chosenones, we merged so that when the otherworld was released, we could happily take down any bosses that spawned with ease.
New recruits over the last year have reluctantly joined due to their clan leaders spewing hate about us, but since joining have had more fun then they ever had. That is why this thread is full of ex unbreakable members telling you what we are about.
As far as the arena goes, I would never fight with people, BUT OTM created it so that people went there to battle, not to talk, so I have no sympathy if you go there and die.
With the no grouping rule, why would you expect us to group if we can kill any bosses including hrungir by ourselves? Do nitro players think unbreakable would group you if they didn't need to (or vise versa)?
If you want to experience harmony in bossing then come and make an application, there will be a website up soon to tell you all about us and what we do and stand for, watch my sig for details.
Stay safe guys.
Re: I'm curious about danu; greeting from rosmerta
#61D0nk0 Lvl143 warrior
D1nk1 lvl90 druid (retired)
D2nk2 lvl70 ranger (retired)
D3nk3 lvl128 druid (dual log)
D4nk4 Lvl142 ranger (tri log)
D6nk6 lvl80 mage (retired)
General of PRIME
Proud owner of 2 full darkflame sets
D5nk5 lvl85 rogue (arawn)
D1nk1 lvl90 druid (retired)
D2nk2 lvl70 ranger (retired)
D3nk3 lvl128 druid (dual log)
D4nk4 Lvl142 ranger (tri log)
D6nk6 lvl80 mage (retired)
General of PRIME
Proud owner of 2 full darkflame sets
D5nk5 lvl85 rogue (arawn)