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Re: Game distroyed

I think another problem is clan labeling... (just an example) Lets say a member in rev isnt nice to someone outside there clan, well that may lead to them labeling all of rev as bad people and this may lead them to hurt relationships with other players before they even get time to grow :geek:

Re: Game distroyed

they just need to allow people to do world transfers, this would solve a lot of issues.

I'm friends with everyone, don't play at the moment, I think a good vacation is good for everyone. Both Amna, and Nimb have helped me a lot, nothing but love for both, I'm sorry people don't get along in the game, it happens.

on another note, I did see a comment about nimbs' rep not letting him into the clan, I can say one thing about nimb, If I was in a war, I would trust him with my life, cant imagine someone thinking he isn't good enough to join any clan, that would be foolish.

well, back to work.

take care peeps :)

191 Rogue


Friend to a few, enemy to many, loyal always.

Re: Game distroyed

The con to that and this isn't just rev but, say someone is a *** to non clannies and you retaliate then their whole clan backs them on being a ***. It is worse with rev bc rev is top clan so it is a no brainer how that one will end.

Re: Game distroyed

The con to that and this isn't just rev but, say someone is a **** to non clannies and you retaliate then their whole clan backs them on being a ****. It is worse with rev bc rev is top clan so it is a no brainer how that one will end.
So if a member does something dont do unfathomable lol with arena i got wrecked :lol:

Re: Game distroyed

seeing some hate posts incomming
hmm would be better if someone locked it after his post and ik what he means
and i wont say anything against it...
i wont call ppl hitlers but ik what he means
Pleasure we are the human Race
Relentless lvl 125 mage (rosemerta)


Re: Game distroyed

nimb, maybe its just me but to speak out on a situation i kinda feel like u gotta know what u talkin bout... u was a friend of mine and still are, but honestly, dont speak ill of a situation u dont know about. have u been in revenge looking at how things go? no u judge the ppl in the clan by a picture u created of the clan. reality however shows us amna isnt manipulating anyone, in fact doesnt do much except leading and being her awesome self, wich is what she supposed to do. we just stand by her decisions since we agree with them, if majority of the clan is ok on something, u better bet itll happen. if majority of clan disagrees with something, better bet theyll take another look at it to see if they can fix it. as clan we stand, not as amna and her lapdogs, dont be mistaken by that awfull picture u got goin on in that post of urs.

again: i like ya, just look at reality instead of only the less aspects of revenge (cuz god knows there are some).
lvl 215 druid

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