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Lvl 100 dps warrior please help

Im a lvl 100 warrior with full warden heroic gloves boots and ammy with 3 100 hp sunfire rings also i have lvl 100 fire dmg offhand axe and lvl 100 fire dmg helm and i use my onyx hammer for when i skill then i switch back 2 warden sword i was wondering if any1 could help me figure out what stats and skills i should use 2 become a really good dps
World mabon
Lvl:85 warrior Smokeinweed
Lvl:56 ranger Smokeinranger
Lvl:33 Mage Smokeinmage
Lvl:50 rogue Smokeinrogue
Lvl:31 Druid Smokeindruid

Re: Lvl 100 dps warrior please help

Frenzy, shatter, rupture, pummel, double attack. Use a awe all the time and for stats you have to try different things out.
frenzy as an extra
#NerfMages #AvoidBalance #WhyPlayARogue #MeatShieldOnly #HealingSlavesOnly

OP dps warrior on Belenus, hot af melee druid on Nuada. #Elementals #Apex

Re: Lvl 100 dps warrior please help

does frenzy really make a difference? I tried it with a few skill points and decided to go with proc stance instead
lvl 32 frenzy with 300 str (including bonuses) and melee combat of 1680, adds 98 dmg and over 750 attack
#NerfMages #AvoidBalance #WhyPlayARogue #MeatShieldOnly #HealingSlavesOnly

OP dps warrior on Belenus, hot af melee druid on Nuada. #Elementals #Apex

Re: Lvl 100 dps warrior please help

id say drop plummel and put more into frenzy.
never do that
at higher lvl pummel is amazing, my weak lvl 39 pummel can hit over 2.3k out of 2418 dmg (would increase it's dmg, but cant find my damn royal pummel)
#NerfMages #AvoidBalance #WhyPlayARogue #MeatShieldOnly #HealingSlavesOnly

OP dps warrior on Belenus, hot af melee druid on Nuada. #Elementals #Apex

Re: Lvl 100 dps warrior please help

Crim is on my world, he is an amazing warrior dps, great advice too. :D
oh, so thats ur acc, thought ur new on belenus secret :P
anyway, ive never seen ezekiell on action, but according to his advices, he seems like great dps/hybrid warrior, at least imo
#NerfMages #AvoidBalance #WhyPlayARogue #MeatShieldOnly #HealingSlavesOnly

OP dps warrior on Belenus, hot af melee druid on Nuada. #Elementals #Apex

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