if u hit someone with a rock dont expect the other to run
#1This is for only SOME ppl in rev only, remember u started this since i was with u guys i was nice to everyone there and working hard,then when I quit the game thinking that i will never come back.. Well i changed my mind and after 2 moths i came back i was kicked from rev for no reason..but then ob told me he did that and we already talked this,but then he invite me to ronin and we started to work in the clan, and about the drops saying tht i was scamer right away some in rev started insult me that i was a scamer and alot of things when i didnt and ob knows that and the others AND LUIS DREMER TOLD ME THAT JOSLYN STOLE THE DROPS FROM BANK CLAN so whos the scamer huh..and since i came back some in rev always killing at arena when i used i be nice with them always! And my respect but wat did u guys did mess it up killing at arena doing glad when i never killied a noob from ur clan AND about wat happen at 165 bogan when classic was there and I camping i suddenly lagg i run everywhere getting adds on me an classic tho i did that on purpose i already told u lagg dosent has to be always getting the yellow sand clock in my head,and last about eo at carrow saying he was father and i said of rats i never said rev , rats can be anything,so remeber this u started this first. P.s read all before u comment
JoseRey:lv194(Warrior Tank) Clan:Mythology(Guandian) World:Rosmerta