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Re: Did terminnater ever get a price

@CHplayer Negative Nancy, 200 is a feat if its not how bout you get your char there.
While you're at it, be the sole tank for majority of the dl bosses and max all your abilities at the same time.

What's so wrong with others appreciating the fact he's pretty much maxed his char, in every way possible. Instead of making a million alts he's perfected one, shoot him down why don't you.

It's only a waste if you don't use or enjoy and he does both!

Obvious you're a little bit jelly of his char or the fact some peeps have made a post regarding him, but your only human cause i know I'm jelly of his char :D

Re: Did terminnater ever get a price

Lvl 200 means nothing to me, there are a hundred people who play this game who have multiple lvl 190 plus. There are hundreds of people who play this game who have supported, and used equally and probably more elixers than this said terminator. If he wants to use all those elixers on own character for a foolish 1 or 4 xp per kill that's on him.

He wants to keep going? That's great they gave him a patch so he could.

Fact of the matter is he just took time off work (rumor has it) and slammed elixers on ONE character.

You want to give out an award, give it to the person who has used the most elixers period. Not just on one character.

Cause ill guarentee you terminator is not the one.

Don't get me wrong I'm not trying to steal his thunder... But you all sitting on his lap like he deserves some prize, I don't agree with. But at the same time I don't know him, I don't play on his world, and I really just made the post cause it has come up in afew discussions that they make a patch for one character that has an xp bug, but could give two craps about the other multiple thousand players who suffer from many other bugs. Priorities seem off.

And as I said, him being a lvl 200 does in no way mean "oh well he is lvl 200, he is the sole supporter of this game. Just look at the elixers he must have used". Because there are many ...many other people out there with multiple characters over 190, and you can bet your buttons that it was more costly then one character to hit 200.

Yes there are many people with multiple 190+ alts, no one has said otherwise. The reason everyone is making a big deal of it is because terminator was the first to slave through all the way to 200, if one of those people with several 190+ toons would have taken the time to hit 200, then they would have gotten the same response. I agree two 190+ technically is more useful then one lvl 200, (no offense term). But the fact of the matter is that he was the first to reach that goal.
Having two chars is great but Term is an unmatched tank for our relatively small clan. Even Mordris is scared of him now :twisted:
Dogorcat3--lvl 183--rogue--Elite

Re: Did terminnater ever get a price

I have two toons over 190 and I never expected a prize for wasting my money and time doing so. Eventually most of us will be level 200 and no one will care who was first, second or third.

I know how hard it is just to get two to 190 grinding away. The only thing it tells me is someone has too much free time their hands. Go save someone's life in the real world and I will be the first one in line to shake your hand and shout give this guy a reward.

By the way as someone who has helped people in real life as a first responder, the rewarding feeling you get after doing so is far far greater than any happiness I ever will have in accomplishing anything in this game.

Get a life, save a life, then I'll be impressed,
Homeworld: Gwydion
Clan: Relentless

Re: Did terminnater ever get a price

I have two toons over 190 and I never expected a prize for wasting my money and time doing so. Eventually most of us will be level 200 and no one will care who was first, second or third.

I know how hard it is just to get two to 190 grinding away. The only thing it tells me is someone has too much free time their hands. Go save someone's life in the real world and I will be the first one in line to shake your hand and shout give this guy a reward.

By the way as someone who has helped people in real life as a first responder, the rewarding feeling you get after doing so is far far greater than any happiness I ever will have in accomplishing anything in this game.

Get a life, save a life, then I'll be impressed,
i saved the life of a neighboor hood kitten, do i geta prize.
Wattzon of Sulis

Re: Did terminnater ever get a price

I have two toons over 190 and I never expected a prize for wasting my money and time doing so. Eventually most of us will be level 200 and no one will care who was first, second or third.

I know how hard it is just to get two to 190 grinding away. The only thing it tells me is someone has too much free time their hands. Go save someone's life in the real world and I will be the first one in line to shake your hand and shout give this guy a reward.

By the way as someone who has helped people in real life as a first responder, the rewarding feeling you get after doing so is far far greater than any happiness I ever will have in accomplishing anything in this game.

Get a life, save a life, then I'll be impressed,
i saved the life of a neighboor hood kitten, do i geta prize.
Yep, got something real special for people like you. Next time you are in Chicago look me me up, I will be glad to give it to you.
Homeworld: Gwydion
Clan: Relentless

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