In any case stay sexy

I don't know who you are but nice to see u aswell heheHiwas nice to see u in game this morning !
Unfortunately my days of ch are over withAme :0 u shud come back to ch.. Whatever ur reason for leaving u can blame it on tp :3 stay sexy too
Sry to hear ur event didnt work :/ i wud of joined just for fun if i cud hav, you will b missed ame :0 make sure to visit sumtime even if rr is onUnfortunately my days of ch are over withAme :0 u shud come back to ch.. Whatever ur reason for leaving u can blame it on tp :3 stay sexy toobit dissapointed no one subscribed for the 5vs5 event as I had a good few rare items,gold,elixirs and so on to give away
I always blame it on rr :p Thx for being such a nice guy grymm
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