Celtic Heroes

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account loading problem

Ok so I woke up did my crammock quest ate breakfast tried to log/load back onto my mage it wouldn't let me. it lets me log on so I can see my characters and stuff but when I select my mage and try to load it stops at 10% everytime I have tried this on both of my ipads I have also deleted the game and restarted. It lets me go on lvl 1 accounts but none of my 100+ ones and when I log onto my lvl 1s I can see chat but then it stops and my ping goes up and it disconnects me that is why I couldn't send in a support request. please help I really want to buy double plat :cry:


megustafire-102+ fire mage
???????-103+ rogue (retired)
soontobe-191 ranger
400 xps remaining
200 combos remaining

Re: account loading problem

Still didn't work:/ this problem might have something to do with the 4g let firmware update it would be nice if I could get an admins help I may have to port forward or something


megustafire-102+ fire mage
???????-103+ rogue (retired)
soontobe-191 ranger
400 xps remaining
200 combos remaining

Re: account loading problem

ok I will wait but that wouldn't make sense since I can log on with new accounts I make. when u travel to a different zone or log in u go to a loading screen that just stops at 10% for me and I wait then it just disconnects me on my lvl 100s


megustafire-102+ fire mage
???????-103+ rogue (retired)
soontobe-191 ranger
400 xps remaining
200 combos remaining

Re: account loading problem

ok I will wait but that wouldn't make sense since I can log on with new accounts I make. when u travel to a different zone or log in u go to a loading screen that just stops at 10% for me and I wait then it just disconnects me on my lvl 100s
Just wait since using diff acc makes you avaible to join ur server
Clan: Outliers
Lvl: 100 In 4 Days


Re: account loading problem

I can join it but it shows no one I can see chat for a few seconds then my ping goes up and it disconnects me that why I couldn't send in a support request.


megustafire-102+ fire mage
???????-103+ rogue (retired)
soontobe-191 ranger
400 xps remaining
200 combos remaining

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