Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Scamming Scammers

I have a question for admins. If someone is attempting to scam out accounts and they're doing one of those "Oh, you give me your information and I'll give you mine" things, are we allowed to trick them into giving us their information and scam THEM? I was wondering if I would be justified in doing that. I welcome feedback from anybody, but some Admin input would be helpful.

Re: Scamming Scammers

I have a question for admins. If someone is attempting to scam out accounts and they're doing one of those "Oh, you give me your information and I'll give you mine" things, are we allowed to trick them into giving us their information and scam THEM? I was wondering if I would be justified in doing that. I welcome feedback from anybody, but some Admin input would be helpful.
Well I guess id add two things.

First is scamming is NOT against the tos/Eula. I literally read it 8 times. About the only aspect is trading (and I suspect stealing) accounts and that is really because of the contract between OTM and iTunes. Look above - scamming isn't punished or even reversed And put right. Just 'don't be fooled share or give out info' is the recommendation.

Second - good luck getting an account scammer to give you details for nothing. The only way I've seen this work is if the scammer is trying to purchase an account using a 'trusted' middle man that then scams the scammer. This rarely works.

You might do what I do:

Scammer "there has been unusual activity spotted on your account. Please provide your account details to prevent a ban on your account"
Me "oh no!"
Me "my user id is 1z40VfjYTpoqQbvc865-hgg10925jHtRPZqnn and password is knDR764BhhLeEop84003hfqOPnbv6y54"

Then just sit back and troll them tellin em they entered it wrong.

Or try the ever popular

UserID: Die
Password: UF******Scammers

On my world another poor nub was scammed by the same impersonation of an OTM employee that has been operating for over 6 months. Same person has tried me three times. I would do whatever you can and hope to not be the first scammer to be actually punished.
Member of Aeon - Taranis - 24 boxer
220+ toons
Ravenleaf druid - Silverstring ranger
Stormsong warrior - Nwerb Mage - Eventide Rogue

Toon histogram:
# of toons|_5__|___16___|____3___|__11__|__21_|407|

Re: Scamming Scammers

Two wrongs don't make a right. Won't solve anything also it would make u no better then the scammer. Best thing to do is keep ur info to yourself. Don't lend out your items and read carefully before u put a check. Don't let a 'friend' know your information either. I do wish more could be done but scamming a scammer I don't think will stop them from doing it.
PurpleRain 226+ Mage
Vanity 227+ Druid
I can't make the World Purple when it's Gray
Beta Android Tester

Re: Scamming Scammers

Two wrongs don't make a right. Won't solve anything also it would make u no better then the scammer. Best thing to do is keep ur info to yourself. Don't lend out your items and read carefully before u put a check. Don't let a 'friend' know your information either. I do wish more could be done but scamming a scammer I don't think will stop them from doing it.
It usually isn't about getting them to stop. Instead it's usually about tryin to get someone's stuff or character(s) back. If two wrongs don't make a right why are there jails and a legal system? Because its definately wrong to keep humans in tiny cages with no freedom. In the case of no action on game authority it's somewhat justifiable.
Member of Aeon - Taranis - 24 boxer
220+ toons
Ravenleaf druid - Silverstring ranger
Stormsong warrior - Nwerb Mage - Eventide Rogue

Toon histogram:
# of toons|_5__|___16___|____3___|__11__|__21_|407|

Re: Scamming Scammers

I have a question for admins. If someone is attempting to scam out accounts and they're doing one of those "Oh, you give me your information and I'll give you mine" things, are we allowed to trick them into giving us their information and scam THEM? I was wondering if I would be justified in doing that. I welcome feedback from anybody, but some Admin input would be helpful.
Well I guess id add two things.

First is scamming is NOT against the tos/Eula. I literally read it 8 times. About the only aspect is trading (and I suspect stealing) accounts and that is really because of the contract between OTM and iTunes. Look above - scamming isn't punished or even reversed And put right. Just 'don't be fooled share or give out info' is the recommendation.

Second - good luck getting an account scammer to give you details for nothing. The only way I've seen this work is if the scammer is trying to purchase an account using a 'trusted' middle man that then scams the scammer. This rarely works.

You might do what I do:

Scammer "there has been unusual activity spotted on your account. Please provide your account details to prevent a ban on your account"
Me "oh no!"
Me "my user id is 1z40VfjYTpoqQbvc865-hgg10925jHtRPZqnn and password is knDR764BhhLeEop84003hfqOPnbv6y54"

Then just sit back and troll them tellin em they entered it wrong.

Or try the ever popular

UserID: Die
Password: UF******Scammers

On my world another poor nub was scammed by the same impersonation of an OTM employee that has been operating for over 6 months. Same person has tried me three times. I would do whatever you can and hope to not be the first scammer to be actually punished.

Re: Scamming Scammers

Two wrongs don't make a right. Won't solve anything also it would make u no better then the scammer. Best thing to do is keep ur info to yourself. Don't lend out your items and read carefully before u put a check. Don't let a 'friend' know your information either. I do wish more could be done but scamming a scammer I don't think will stop them from doing it.
It usually isn't about getting them to stop. Instead it's usually about tryin to get someone's stuff or character(s) back. If two wrongs don't make a right why are there jails and a legal system? Because its definately wrong to keep humans in tiny cages with no freedom. In the case of no action on game authority it's somewhat justifiable.
While I am a devote believer that jails these days are a bit soft (apart from maximum security prisons) over here in the UK jail Is only used if it is deemed to be "needed" so in other words, if the goverment think they will commit the crime again.

Re: Scamming Scammers

Two wrongs don't make a right. Won't solve anything also it would make u no better then the scammer. Best thing to do is keep ur info to yourself. Don't lend out your items and read carefully before u put a check. Don't let a 'friend' know your information either. I do wish more could be done but scamming a scammer I don't think will stop them from doing it.
It usually isn't about getting them to stop. Instead it's usually about tryin to get someone's stuff or character(s) back. If two wrongs don't make a right why are there jails and a legal system? Because its definately wrong to keep humans in tiny cages with no freedom. In the case of no action on game authority it's somewhat justifiable.
While I am a devote believer that jails these days are a bit soft (apart from maximum security prisons) over here in the UK jail Is only used if it is deemed to be "needed" so in other words, if the goverment think they will commit the crime again.
So it seems the world agrees that a second wrong is justified. Even in biblical times it was "an eye for an eye" and so forth.

The expression two wrongs don't make a right should be more like 'getting back at someone without thinking about what you are doing is wrong'.
Member of Aeon - Taranis - 24 boxer
220+ toons
Ravenleaf druid - Silverstring ranger
Stormsong warrior - Nwerb Mage - Eventide Rogue

Toon histogram:
# of toons|_5__|___16___|____3___|__11__|__21_|407|

Re: Scamming Scammers

I have a question for admins. If someone is attempting to scam out accounts and they're doing one of those "Oh, you give me your information and I'll give you mine" things, are we allowed to trick them into giving us their information and scam THEM? I was wondering if I would be justified in doing that. I welcome feedback from anybody, but some Admin input would be helpful.
Scamming a scammer makes you as worse as him. For example: You murder a murderer, is that justified? No, it makes you as worse as the murderer.

Re: Scamming Scammers

An eye for an eye makes the whole world go blind
Except for that one guy who was hiding behind the bush and still has both his eyes
Serethem Lvl: 210 Class: ranger
World:Herne Clan: Infection (full edl armor and bow thank you clan!)

Armageddon01 Lvl: 105 Class: Mage
World:Rosmerta Clan:

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