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Re: A discussion about religion

Spirit Healer. I am fourteen years old, "too young to understand a discussion like this". "Do not be judged, that you are not judged." Remember reading that anywhere? (Hint: the bible.) Anyhow...
I am a firm believer in Jesus Christ, savior of the world. I believe that he came to die for everyone's sins. John 3:16 says that "For god so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." That is my belief in a bubble.
You ask for proof. There is proof everywhere that the Creator exists. There are many records of all the kings of the Old Testament. Archeologists found the castle that they believe belonged to Jezebel, a queen in the Old Testament. The Bible's authenticy is validated by scholors, even ones that do not believe in Christ. The Bible is a chief resource for historians. Also, books such as Daniel and his prophecies can be validated over the course of time as many of his prophecies have already been fulfilled. For example, the four horns on the beast are four kingdoms that would arise and become world superpowers. There will be one after them that controls the entire world for seven years and is the Antichrist, but that will be after these four kingdoms.
These four kingdoms have already taken place. They were Babylon, the Meade/Persian empire, Greece (under the control of Alexander the Great), and Rome. These were prophesied by Daniel. Although they did not control the whole world, they controlled the known world and the part of the world in which things were happening.
There is also no way in which the Bible could have been completely written after what happened as the Jews have been believing in these writings for so long and carbon dating has traced them back a long time.
The Big Bang Theory. The new religion. It is just not a possible and/or probable solution. Where did the stuff come from before the Big Bang? Something had to create it. The Big Bang theory is impossible without a creator. Creation is the only possible solution, as everything has to come from somewhere. You ask how God was created? He wasn't. He is an entity that the human mind cannot comprehend. We think in terms of time, of creation. God does not think in any of these terms. God simply WAS, forever and ever. He has been there since before the beginning of time.
You said how you read the newspapers and all you see is war, killing. THIS IS NOT GOD'S FAULT! The Lord created humanity with free will. That person made a choice, an evil choice. Blaming God for the failings of humanity is like blaming the shooter at Sandy Hook's mother for his actions. That would make no sense! Why? Because it was not her fault or her actions. It was her son's. God made humanity with free will because he loved us. He wants us to worship him of our own choice, not his. You can make Siri say that she loves you, but that is nothing compared to hearing your wife say I love you. That is what humanity praising God would be like if we had no free will.
Think about what I say. Remember, God has no ill will towards you- He awaits you with open arms. Do not make the mistake of thinking that if you become a follower of Jesus Christ your life will be easy. It won't. It may even become harder. But take heart, because our Lord and Savior is soon coming. "Do not fear flesh and blood, but he that can destroy the soul."

Re: A discussion about religion

Spirit Healer. I am fourteen years old, "too young to understand a discussion like this"....
The Big Bang Theory. The new religion. It is just not a possible and/or probable solution. Where did the stuff come from before the Big Bang? Something had to create it. The Big Bang theory is impossible without a creator. Creation is the only possible solution, as everything has to come from somewhere. You ask how God was created? He wasn't. He is an entity that the human mind cannot comprehend. We think in terms of time, of creation. God does not think in any of these terms. God simply WAS, forever and ever. He has been there since before the beginning of time.
I guess you are 14 and still are in the process of finding out what is real - a process that never really should stop. But don't you think its odd that you use the same argument for gods existence that you hand wave away for scientific theory?

Do you find it odd that you don't question gravity or the laws of thermodynamics? No question about the maxwells laws of electromagnetism? Aren't you replying on a miniaturized piece of 'proof' that science is right? It's obvious you cant send a reply with prayer or chakra or anything spiritual.

But Christians are really butt hurt over the Big Bang and evolution because it directly conflicts with the bible. No Adam and Eve no original sin. No original sin no need for guilt and constant atonement. No need to be saved and the whole thing falls apart.

When Christians heard of the Big Bang theory it was widely embraced as being true since it seems to fit with the creation myth. The past and current pope accepts both evolution and the Big Bang theory as an official church position as do most non-American Christians (which is the vast majority of Christians)

Despite science not as of today having all the answers it does already have many that are supported by overwhelming evidence with absolutely 0 contrary evidence. If you want to live the most productive and healthy life with the best chance of success knowing what is real is highly important. I suggest you base any beliefs on evidence before you unknowingly make a life altering decision for the worse.

What if a person wasn't motivated to quit chain smoking beause they were active in thier churc and a good person? God wouldn't give them cancer they hear god saying he won't. And if they die a slow painful death in front of thier family they would go to a better place right? Is that helping the friends and family?

Imagine if someone really believed the end of the world meant the comming of Jesus. And it will be the most glorious thing ever possible. Now what if that person has thier finger on nuclear weapons? Wouldn't using them be the most wonderful thing to ever happen? If you can't grip reality there are serious consequences.
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Re: A discussion about religion

Spirit Healer. I am fourteen years old, "too young to understand a discussion like this". "Do not be judged, that you are not judged." Remember reading that anywhere? (Hint: the bible.) Anyhow...
I am a firm believer in Jesus Christ, savior of the world. I believe that he came to die for everyone's sins. John 3:16 says that "For god so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." That is my belief in a bubble.
You ask for proof. There is proof everywhere that the Creator exists. There are many records of all the kings of the Old Testament. Archeologists found the castle that they believe belonged to Jezebel, a queen in the Old Testament. The Bible's authenticy is validated by scholors, even ones that do not believe in Christ. The Bible is a chief resource for historians. Also, books such as Daniel and his prophecies can be validated over the course of time as many of his prophecies have already been fulfilled. For example, the four horns on the beast are four kingdoms that would arise and become world superpowers. There will be one after them that controls the entire world for seven years and is the Antichrist, but that will be after these four kingdoms.
These four kingdoms have already taken place. They were Babylon, the Meade/Persian empire, Greece (under the control of Alexander the Great), and Rome. These were prophesied by Daniel. Although they did not control the whole world, they controlled the known world and the part of the world in which things were happening.
There is also no way in which the Bible could have been completely written after what happened as the Jews have been believing in these writings for so long and carbon dating has traced them back a long time.
The Big Bang Theory. The new religion. It is just not a possible and/or probable solution. Where did the stuff come from before the Big Bang? Something had to create it. The Big Bang theory is impossible without a creator. Creation is the only possible solution, as everything has to come from somewhere. You ask how God was created? He wasn't. He is an entity that the human mind cannot comprehend. We think in terms of time, of creation. God does not think in any of these terms. God simply WAS, forever and ever. He has been there since before the beginning of time.
You said how you read the newspapers and all you see is war, killing. THIS IS NOT GOD'S FAULT! The Lord created humanity with free will. That person made a choice, an evil choice. Blaming God for the failings of humanity is like blaming the shooter at Sandy Hook's mother for his actions. That would make no sense! Why? Because it was not her fault or her actions. It was her son's. God made humanity with free will because he loved us. He wants us to worship him of our own choice, not his. You can make Siri say that she loves you, but that is nothing compared to hearing your wife say I love you. That is what humanity praising God would be like if we had no free will.
Think about what I say. Remember, God has no ill will towards you- He awaits you with open arms. Do not make the mistake of thinking that if you become a follower of Jesus Christ your life will be easy. It won't. It may even become harder. But take heart, because our Lord and Savior is soon coming. "Do not fear flesh and blood, but he that can destroy the soul."
Bro are you for real? Im 14 and I understand the Big Bang and it has been proven, First up let me just disprove God real quick, how did god get there? And if god is eternal, why cant the universe be eternal? Now onto the Big Bang, the Big Bang was two "branes" colliding and creating one brane. You see. Einsteins equation gives us this picture that we are insects on a bubble, and that bubble is expanding, and we are stuck to this bubble. Then string theory comes in and states that there are other bubbles out there, still following? Good. Now the universe was created in a bubble either colliding with another bubble or a bubble splitting, worm holes work by going between these bubbles

Re: A discussion about religion

Spirit Healer. I am fourteen years old, "too young to understand a discussion like this". "Do not be judged, that you are not judged." Remember reading that anywhere? (Hint: the bible.) Anyhow...
I am a firm believer in Jesus Christ, savior of the world. I believe that he came to die for everyone's sins. John 3:16 says that "For god so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." That is my belief in a bubble.
You ask for proof. There is proof everywhere that the Creator exists. There are many records of all the kings of the Old Testament. Archeologists found the castle that they believe belonged to Jezebel, a queen in the Old Testament. The Bible's authenticy is validated by scholors, even ones that do not believe in Christ. The Bible is a chief resource for historians. Also, books such as Daniel and his prophecies can be validated over the course of time as many of his prophecies have already been fulfilled. For example, the four horns on the beast are four kingdoms that would arise and become world superpowers. There will be one after them that controls the entire world for seven years and is the Antichrist, but that will be after these four kingdoms.
These four kingdoms have already taken place. They were Babylon, the Meade/Persian empire, Greece (under the control of Alexander the Great), and Rome. These were prophesied by Daniel. Although they did not control the whole world, they controlled the known world and the part of the world in which things were happening.
There is also no way in which the Bible could have been completely written after what happened as the Jews have been believing in these writings for so long and carbon dating has traced them back a long time.
The Big Bang Theory. The new religion. It is just not a possible and/or probable solution. Where did the stuff come from before the Big Bang? Something had to create it. The Big Bang theory is impossible without a creator. Creation is the only possible solution, as everything has to come from somewhere. You ask how God was created? He wasn't. He is an entity that the human mind cannot comprehend. We think in terms of time, of creation. God does not think in any of these terms. God simply WAS, forever and ever. He has been there since before the beginning of time.
You said how you read the newspapers and all you see is war, killing. THIS IS NOT GOD'S FAULT! The Lord created humanity with free will. That person made a choice, an evil choice. Blaming God for the failings of humanity is like blaming the shooter at Sandy Hook's mother for his actions. That would make no sense! Why? Because it was not her fault or her actions. It was her son's. God made humanity with free will because he loved us. He wants us to worship him of our own choice, not his. You can make Siri say that she loves you, but that is nothing compared to hearing your wife say I love you. That is what humanity praising God would be like if we had no free will.
Think about what I say. Remember, God has no ill will towards you- He awaits you with open arms. Do not make the mistake of thinking that if you become a follower of Jesus Christ your life will be easy. It won't. It may even become harder. But take heart, because our Lord and Savior is soon coming. "Do not fear flesh and blood, but he that can destroy the soul."
Also, yes you can blame the shooters mother, ever heard of "see no evil. Speak no evil, hear no evil, do no evil? It means if u dont know evil exists you can't do it.

Re: A discussion about religion

What exactly is your point, Plus3?

I think that you have a lot of learning still to do, most importantly in social etiquette. What purpose does it serve to say that Christians make up 30% or so of the global population?

It means Christians are wrong? How? Majority rules?

What purpose does it serve to use that as an intended insult to tgwaste? It sounds like you are using his being Christian as a way to attack him, and I can't really understand why. I'll tell you this, after reading his posts and getting a glimpse of his personality and tact, I would be very happy if he were my neighbour, regardless of our theological differences.

And remember, God aside for a moment, religious groups and religious people do some of the best work on the planet helping the sick, the poor and otherwise less fortunate. My guestimation is that Christians provide the bulk of that assistance. Heck, for that reason alone I wish there were more Christians, or that more people lived a Christian lifestyle.

You need to be careful when using statistics and numbers. Don't get me wrong, I love them. But they need to serve a purpose; they are great for illustrating trends, as well as for dispelling some myths, but simple percentages don't tell us who is right or wrong. They never have, and they never will.

At one point in time, only a minority of people believed in a heliocentric solar system; did that mean they were wrong? I don't think so.

But let's assume your "majority rules" approach is correct for a moment. In that case, I would retort that pure atheists make up an estimated 2% of the global population. ie. 98% "of the world does not give any value to your" atheistic beliefs. Does it prove anything? No. Be careful of what cans you open; you are more likely than not to end up squirming.

You sound like you think that you are an atheist, though I think you are actually a teen who recently read the Communist Manifesto and is questioning everything. That's normal. I wish you luck on your journey.

In time, you will work it out for yourself, and you will calm down... as of right now, though, I gotta say that you simply sound like a pompous arse who thinks himself the atheistic messiah.

Good luck with that.
Christians also amount for the majority of rapists, pedophiles, murderers and sociopaths in the world, fat lot of good they are doing,
Christian: lets help this homeless man by killing him.
Nice logic moron.
100%. Wrong. Wrong wrong.
Actually right, mainly atheist countries tend to have less crime than religious countries, and only 0.2% of people in jail at america are atheist, religion is, in itself, a paradox

Re: A discussion about religion

Wasn't going to say it but Jesus blames the family for choices of the father:

Exodus 20:1-26 ESV

And God spoke all these words, saying, “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. “You shall have no other gods before me. “You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me, ...

And before you hand wave the above as being irrelevant ; it is the 4th commandment. I hope the thought crimes of your great grandfather don't put you in hell forever and there is no recourse available to you.

Also I was very unclear as how to properly beat my slaves. I didn't know that if my beatings caused death on the second day it was OK but if they died in the same day it was a sin. I do find it a helpful moral compass.
Last edited by Plus3 on Mon Dec 02, 2013 5:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Member of Aeon - Taranis - 24 boxer
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Re: A discussion about religion

What exactly is your point, Plus3?

I think that you have a lot of learning still to do, most importantly in social etiquette. What purpose does it serve to say that Christians make up 30% or so of the global population?

It means Christians are wrong? How? Majority rules?

What purpose does it serve to use that as an intended insult to tgwaste? It sounds like you are using his being Christian as a way to attack him, and I can't really understand why. I'll tell you this, after reading his posts and getting a glimpse of his personality and tact, I would be very happy if he were my neighbour, regardless of our theological differences.

And remember, God aside for a moment, religious groups and religious people do some of the best work on the planet helping the sick, the poor and otherwise less fortunate. My guestimation is that Christians provide the bulk of that assistance. Heck, for that reason alone I wish there were more Christians, or that more people lived a Christian lifestyle.

You need to be careful when using statistics and numbers. Don't get me wrong, I love them. But they need to serve a purpose; they are great for illustrating trends, as well as for dispelling some myths, but simple percentages don't tell us who is right or wrong. They never have, and they never will.

At one point in time, only a minority of people believed in a heliocentric solar system; did that mean they were wrong? I don't think so.

But let's assume your "majority rules" approach is correct for a moment. In that case, I would retort that pure atheists make up an estimated 2% of the global population. ie. 98% "of the world does not give any value to your" atheistic beliefs. Does it prove anything? No. Be careful of what cans you open; you are more likely than not to end up squirming.

You sound like you think that you are an atheist, though I think you are actually a teen who recently read the Communist Manifesto and is questioning everything. That's normal. I wish you luck on your journey.

In time, you will work it out for yourself, and you will calm down... as of right now, though, I gotta say that you simply sound like a pompous arse who thinks himself the atheistic messiah.

Good luck with that.
Christians also amount for the majority of rapists, pedophiles, murderers and sociopaths in the world, fat lot of good they are doing,
Christian: lets help this homeless man by killing him.
Nice logic moron.
You know that's stereotyping Christians and that's just wrong. It seems like your discriminating against them. If you have a problem with Christians, you should not be on this topic at all if your going to say something like that. Enough with your bias.
Im merely stating a correlation, some Christians can be nice people, however, there is a dark side to every group, its just the Christians dark side make themself more well known, Jehovah's Witness for example. They attempt to lure you in and they play your mind like a puppet. You then have the western burrow baptist church, and the KKK, im just saying a book such as the bible cannot leave everything to interpretation and expect people to follow the "true" path of god

Re: A discussion about religion

Im merely stating a correlation, some Christians can be nice people, however, there is a dark side to every group, its just the Christians dark side make themself more well known, Jehovah's Witness for example. They attempt to lure you in and they play your mind like a puppet. You then have the western burrow baptist church, and the KKK, im just saying a book such as the bible cannot leave everything to interpretation and expect people to follow the "true" path of god


the MEDIA makes bad christians more well known because the liberal MEDIA hates Christianity.

To group Christians in with people like the WBC and KKK is just garbage. Ask yourself "What have I done for ANYONE lately" because I assure you Christians are doing more.
maulz - warrior - level 195 - belenus - iPhone 7

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