I believe that's about enough, Amp...
Most of the things you said about Inf, are true for Asc as well. The fact that we're members of Asc is the main reason they do those things to us. I don't know if I did anything to inf lately to deserve that (tell me if I did please), but being a member of Asc, I should see it coming. Now for other people, they are just escalating it (see what I did there?). This way there's no fun doing anything which involves CH. It'd be nice if my friends on this world, could just get along. My best friends on this post are Ders, Swine, P1r, Light, Sere and Sun. And so are you, Amp, but you're not acting like the guy I used to level with (that sounds stupidly dramatic). (If any above named peeps don't like me calling them friends, lemme know). Now if you guys can please stop all this nonsense, a LOT of people would like it that way. Of course most people dont care about what I'm saying, but if you could just try it as a friend, clannie or ex-clannie (or combination), please do.
Now for everyone criticising others because of their clan- I am proud of being a member of Ascension, I am proud of having been in Brittanians, and I am proud to call members of both those clans, and Escalation, my friends. But most of all, I'm a Pagan, and I wish I'd never left that clan. Not for Asc, not for Inf, not for anyone.
Now if you all could please think this over, thanks.
I believe I've ranted enough, partially because it seems to be a long post, partially because my batteries are nearly empty.
Best luck to all of you, and have a good day,
-Florian Pans.
Well said, Flor. You're always a classy level-headed person.
Yeah, Pagan was good times. As for earlier memories, I still have an alt in Britts! I love playing him and having that name above my head.
Likewise, I'm not really sure what Amph is all ruffled about, but that all caps post was a bit crazy... as in, ka-Razy. Like I said in my earlier post on this thread, I always enjoyed training and chatting with him a couple months back. Indeed, his posts in this thread are not the Amph I remember.
But I assume he's just playing the part. I don't honestly think he is as mental as these posts suggest. I have to assume he's just trolling for reactions.
If so...
well played, Amph... well played. (ಸ_ಸ)