Evolution is only controversial in the bible belt USA among the uneducated and the scientifically challenged.
The evidence from fossils all having related lineages, to being deposited in the right areas and layers to be consistent, to the DNA and mitochondrial DNA linking all life including plants and bacteria into one giant tree of life is not only incontrovertible but the basis of medical science that has already brought far greater lifespans and health than any religion.
I mean ffs you can watch it happen in the lab with short reproduction time organisms like bacteria. It's the reason why vaccines are losing thier effectiveness.
Im really sorry that your religious beliefs aren't true. I'm not insulted but quite saddened actually. You really need to learn what us real before reality catches up with you - it is completely uncaring and unforgiving.
1. I already stated I am not religious.
2. I have already refuted your above arguments in previous posts and my posts have not been addressed. Address my previous posts first, I hate repeating myself.
3. There are plenty of educated people who do not trust in macroevolution, you just think otherwise because it is taught in public schools.
4. Stop trying to use microevolution to prove macroevolution.
You are not religious but do not 'believe' in evolution????
You refuted nothing with facts. Every comment I made has huge mountains of very very obvious evidence anyone with intellectual honesty and an Internet connection can access.
There is no difference between 'micro' and 'macro' evolution. Though those are apologist terms not scientific ones. The only difference is time.
There are virtually no educated people who "do not trust in macro evolution" that do not have an agenda - typically some fundamentalist religious slant.
There is a reason why it is taught in schools. Christians just hate evolution because it is 'proof' genesis is false and therefore no original sin so no need for Jesus to kill himself and the whole thing falls apart. You don't question gravity, quantum mechanics or any other science taught in schools with the exception of the science that disproves the earth is 4000 years old.
You know in Europe it is a serious crime to deny the holocaust. It isn't opinion and it's just so unbelievably in denial of reality and hurtful to people it is a crime.
What we need in America is a law that makes it a serious crime to deny reality in the face of overwhelming incontrovertible evidence. I think that this would help clear up quite a few problems.
I do not believe you are not religious. You are definately entrenched in the dogma of the deep south bible belt science denial. You think the thoughts and use the terms. You ignore the same evidence. If you are honestly not I suggest a good therapist. Because if you really don't know what is real on that level you are a danger to yourself and others.
Ok, I was replying to your posts because I thought you were actually serious and knew at least some of what you are talking about, but now I'm sorry I wasted my time.
You honestly don't know the difference between micro and macroevolution!?! Even the kids flunking out of my chemistry and biology classes at least know that. You obviously aren't actually informed at all, you have just been raised believing in something and are now on a blind crusade to prove you aren't wrong. So far, no matter who tells you otherwise, you are completely closed off to new ideas and opinions, you are convinced that what you believe is right without any willingness to change your opinion even if it is refuted over and over. You are completely condecending towards people who are much smarter than you and probably much older (I don't know your exact age for sure, but you are probably still in highschool judging by your knowledge level). You preach objectivity while looking at everything with one of the most subjective views demonstrated on this forum. I do not think you actually know what objective means.
You also continue to put words in my mouth, I said there are educated and intelligent people who are much smarted than you (believe it or not there are people smarter than you) who do not trust evolution, I never said I do not accept evolution. I think its a fairly good theory which takes a lot of evidence into account and provides for the most part, a plausible answer. It has some holes but it is still useable. You on the other hand seem determined to see it as an absolute, irrefutable fact when it has no where near enough proof to support itself. (Also note that evidence and proof are NOT the same thing)
I have absolutely no affiliation with your "deep south bible belt".
No one claims the earth is 4000 years old, YECs say it is between 6000 - 10,000 years old.
There are many Christians who believe in evolution as well, the fact that you didn't know this is more evidence that you do not actually know what you are talking about.
You are just trying to assign motives to my posts because you aren't able to argue with me.
There is a huge difference between micro and macroevolution. I hate repeating myself when you could have just scrolled back and read my earlier posts and also when I know that it will have absolutely no effect on your actions, but for the sake of everyone else reading: Microevolution is observable and involves changes in the frequencies or changes within a species. No new species is formed. (note that the changes in bacteria that you like to point out are actually a form of microevolution)
Macroevolution is NOT observable ( and is therefore not even science) and requires new genetic traits to be introduced in a species thereby changing it into a whole new species.
No, I do not expect you to have any change in your hypocritical heart and suddenly realize that maybe it is possible for someone else to be right, but I am posting so that anyone else reading can see that it can be perfectly logical to not blindly follow evolution.
For you, you have degraded into another atheist hating on religion because he can't stand the idea of anyone or anything being smarter or better than him or knowing something he does not or holding him accountable for his actions. You are just another biased atheist who doesn't want truth. And more evidence that this topic has declined from being a discussion into being a hate ramble.