Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Support tickets :/

Ok, i feel the dire need to express this, and to tell it how it is. Support team, either doesn't answer on purpose and uses the "we get (x amount) support tickets and emails a day. Expect some delay in response time" or sends a response like "we need more information to confirm (character restoration, etc)". Some of of my friends has been putting in support tickets to reset their meteoric weapon quests, one of them got a response, but his quest is still broken, another didnt even get a response. Not one. Im currently tying to help a friend recover his account and he hasn't even gotten an email regarding his stolen account (where acc was guessed, not given). I got another friend who actually GOT a response, and support says they need character name, character level, items traded, platinum purchases, all this nonsense that they really dont need. All someone needs to really locate a player (and i can find people just in the game) character name, character level, and what server theyre on. All Support NEEDS (to make hard changes to an account) is username, character name (for hard changes) character level, and server. When my acc was hacked, i sent the same email twice. First email i told them my username, my character name, level and server. They sent the same thing "we need A, B, and C" and i literally did a copy and paste. What is support doing if not supporting players in the game? I get they're probably busy, but in my opinion, support needs to have a legit team. People who are about their players. Ive had friends quit because support couldn't do anything. Oh and btw (if you cant tell im pretty pissed) did anyone else notice how they change the 30-day item restore to 12 days? I accidentally sold an item a few weeks ago, quite important actually, was a +4 life steal ring. Immediately notifies support, no response AT ALL. When i accidentally sold my fiery axe of triumph, day 10-11, support doesnt get back to me til AFTER day 12 to tell me they couldn't do it. So, why the sudden change? Yes i feel like im calling them out, but seriously. I've sent in a few support tickets myself, and i still have no response. So, us PLAYERS need answers. People still have messed up quests and they're not getting theirs reset or fixed at all. Us PLAYERS are what make this game what it is. Plat buyers add a HUGE bonus (thank you to plat buyers btw for supporting OTM financially - not sarcasm. Sincere thanks). We need more than this.

That being said, everyone keep safe, have a good day/night.
Herne Rogue 140+ - INACTIVE


Re: Support tickets :/

I'm getting frustrated as well because my support tickets haven't been answered for weeks. I doubt it takes this long to get through a back log. They want money but who wants to pay them money when they take their time on tickets? This'll be locked soon because they refuse to face the truth.

Re: Support tickets :/

Not to make light of the frustration of waiting, but I think there are a couple things that some people should remember...

1. Support doesn't work weekends: So in any given "week," there will only be 5 days when Support is at work.

2. Dec. 2nd was a Bank Holiday in Scotland: If you sent a ticket 7 days ago from today, that would only be 4 business days in their case.

3. The Support team is in Scotland: The time difference is a big factor to remember. You may send a ticket at 11 am on a Friday in Arizona, but the work day (and work week, for that matter) would already be finished in the U.K. Add a Bank holiday on Monday, and it would be Tuesday 2am Arizona time before they would even have the chance of seeing your message.

From your point of view, that would be 4 or 5 days waiting... in reality, it wasn't ignored, but rather there was no one in the office to read it.

4. People overstate time: This is perhaps the biggest problem. People have a natural tendency to overstate/exaggerate time because they think in block time. (There is also a tendency for people to exaggerate in desire for sympathy, or to instil guilt. This isn't necessarily on purpose; many people don't know they do it.) I see it all the time on the forums when people say they have been playing CH for three years, even though the game has only been out for about 2 and a half years.

People tend to think in big blocks. So they equate the years of CH (2011, 2012, 2013) and say three, when in fact it was released June of 2011, and it is currently December 2013. I expect that come January, some people will say they have been playing CH for four years.

This happens on a smaller scale as well. People say they have been waiting 2 weeks. When you dig down, you find that they sent the ticket on a Thursday of one week, and it is currently a Wednesday of the following week. They associate the week "blocks," and say 2 weeks, even though the reality is only 7 days... 2 of which were a weekend.

Take the OP for example. On Nov. 28 Splatter said he's been waiting for four days. Let's assume he sent the ticket on the 25th. On December 4th, he says he's been waiting "for weeks." In truth, he has been waiting for 9 days, or a week and a half. Depending on the time difference, the time of day he sent the ticket, and the Bank holiday, Support may only have had access to his ticket for 5 or 6 of those days.

The best thing that OTM could do is add a "Support Ticket Outbox" for us to access. That way we could see when we actually sent the ticket, rather than relying on our poor memories. Since that doesn't exist, you should jot down when you send a ticket. It would lessen your frustration by looking a the date.
Dersu of Herne
lvl 135+ Druid (Double Helix Build)
Clan Infection... of the Britannians family of clans.

Re: Support tickets :/

Either way, in "9" days they can't respond to tickets?
In your case, 5 or 6 days, actually.

And as they have always said, if you don't get a response after 2 weeks, resend the ticket.

So I would say that if you don't get a response by Monday (which would be the two weeks since you originally sent) then resend.
Dersu of Herne
lvl 135+ Druid (Double Helix Build)
Clan Infection... of the Britannians family of clans.

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