Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Celtic heroes for console?

Tapping the screen would be much faster than navigating with keys and buttons.
Then you gotta worry about dirty screens and screen protectors suck and some people have huge fingers and can't afford a bigger device.
It's a mobile game for the iOS, it's already been mentioned the competition for this game would be unreal if they changed platforms and in tun OTM would not survive.

[list][*]Vulture - Level 220 Rogue
[*]Venus - Level 195 Druid[/list][/color]

Re: Celtic heroes for console?

Tapping the screen would be much faster than navigating with keys and buttons.
Then you gotta worry about dirty screens and screen protectors suck and some people have huge fingers and can't afford a bigger device.
Huge fingers XD
Flamingduckee- lvl 155+ druid full froZen
FlamingDPS- lvl 86 rouge
Flaminghawk- lvl 20 mage
RIP Solitaire
Clansman of Marath
RIP-ferdais blades
John 3:16
https://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/i ... 054AAhfLoh

Re: Celtic heroes for console?

onethumbMOBILE not sure why that is hard to understand.
thats realistically incorrects as many people use both of their index fingers or at times both thumbs the real one thumb is almost impossible to have doing.

its like telling GLU they can only make glue even tho they make games for mobile devices.
I loveyoubelow me :)

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