this is purely opinion! and may be found bashing, but i in no way intend to hurt anyone in anything i say
Atheists are those who are too weak minded to believe in anything greater than what we currently know- so 2000 years ago anyone who thought that we someday fly on a metal bird would be burned at the stake because he was mad- so atheists, are you Seriously trying to explain everything with your current knowledge? May i share a story, when my grandfather passed away, before that day, he said things like: "He's here" and "their waiting for me" explain that to me, how he saw Devine beings, that were some kind of illusion? Death isn't a state of bieng mad, its a state of achieving a form without it needing to be on earth- achieving a form that god has prepared for you in your lifetime, and one more thing, whats the risk?
If your an atheist, and there is no such thing as god, whoop die doo, you get to say i told you so after your dead, but say there is, and you get banished into an eternal fire called Hell, forever, and no one can help you, consider this.
Atheists and secular humanists tend to believe what there is evidence and facts for. It is so obvious this isn't a claim at explaining everything you must be quite obtuse and bigoted to even suggest this. that said there are things current knowledge explains - and you chose to not believe them not only at your own peril but that of those around you.
You do realize, I hope, that wish thinking what a Devine creator should be - then believing is the height of arrogance right? As if god were real a puny human would have any say - you would be cowering in that your thought crimes of doubt could put you into permenant torture as your all loving 'god does' to people. You would be in a never ending state of praise to dear leader but without the death people hope for in north korea - trapped for eternity praising and praising. Furthermore i hope you understand to then try and force that non-sense on others with no evidence but browbeating from authority is actually evil right?
If you don't know the fallacy that is pascals wager I suggest you look it up. I actually have a FK u Pascals wager for ya.
The devil actually murdered god awhile back - that's why everything is so messed up. He hates believers in god with Devine vengeance. If you don't believe in god Satan lets you die peacefully. But believers in god are tortured for eternity. There is the same evidence for this as your silly argument. Now place your bets people!