Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Announcing Yuletide 2013

So what ive heard is that it starts Monday or Tuesday? Is this correct?
Most likely, yes. According to my research all events started days earlier than last year.
★ℚʊɛɛɳ øƒ Ғɑṩɧɪøɳ
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Name: Killerado
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Re: Announcing Yuletide 2013

I'm waiting to give an opinion till I actually see the event bosses, drops, new quests and gear.

Id rather OTM fix up the new engine and getting it running android and iOS than the event anyhow.
This has become and tradition in the game, if they were to get rid of it they would be silly, I've just bought 16k plat $400 roughly for chests because I'm addicted :3 thats another reason why its stupid to abolish them, they earn so much more cash on the otm teams paycheck. Every event, no doubt every guy and gal working for otm walk out with a big fat paycheck ready to cash it in :mrgreen: ;)
Freyaa (164) rogue
Sunshinee (155) druid

MissDartignan (182+) ranger
Freyaa (176+) rogue

Re: Announcing Yuletide 2013

6 star bosses only
11 straight 5* Athach's Spawn so far. Haven't seen a 6* at all.

I think Admin misread Elim's post and specifically made Morrigan spawn 5 star bosses only.

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