Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Kokurou vs Racism ROUND 3 (seriously!?)

This is the THIRD time ive come across this. I dont care what the reason is. You dont have to be racist. And when i ask you kindly, KINDLY AND POLITELY not to use certain words you definitely DONT get pissed at me and go off on me!! This is the third time. I'm done with this game UNLESS we are able to move to another server AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!!!!! Because, on a serious note? I live with racism anyway. I posted about this twice already. This is the third time. Third and final time. Im tired of it. Im tired of trying to escape reality and still end up living it IN A GODDAMN GAME!!! It's not needed. It's not needed and it DEFINITELY is not necessary. I dont care who it is, i dont care what the situation is of what happened, racism is completely unnecessary. And i feel like im the only person who finds it a problem, in fact i feel im the only person whos willing to expose this nonsense to OTM. Seriously, you guys need to take control of this game. I dont care of swearing gets us muted in a future update or not. But the racism i experienced today and a bunch of my friends and clannies...


I'm not gonna name names. But yal know who you are. I get it if you wanna offend someone who pissed you off. Just refrain from racial slurs.

Thanks to all who read and acknowledge this, stay safe everyone.
Herne Rogue 140+ - INACTIVE


Re: Kokurou vs Racism ROUND 3 (seriously!?)

I always see this happening and it really upsets me.
What can one possibly gain from offending another person? We all have feelings and i don't see what positivity can come from hurting another person.
Something needs to be done. Even though im not the one being hurt, my friends and even strangers are.

Wait what...? I'M BATMAN?? ^^^^

MrN1ceGuy-(Warrior)Level 100+

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