As for your thing about the Higgs boson thingy(which I admit I have never even heard of) this is not applicable in this case. If you know anything about Christianity you should know that God created everything. Also He is a spirit being. He is also not bound by the laws of thisAnd universe. This would make sense if you think about it. If He truly exists, is all-powerful, and has always existed, then what makes you think that He needs to abide by the rules of the universe which He created? As I have already posted I will be posting a very large post in the near future which will be in favor of creationism. This might not be in it though. But no one has answered my question yet. If God does not exist then how did atoms/molecules get here in the first place? It's something to think about. In my opinion, it takes a lot more faith to believe in evolution(which real science does not agree with) than creationism(which real science does agree with).[/quote]
Sorry mate, you just won the retarded medal, first up. You don't even understand the simple reason you exist, second. Scientists believe the side that has the most evidence. so evolution considering the bible can't be considered evidence. And lastly, if god made everything, what made god? Huh? How did he come to be?[/quote]
Oh I wasn't talking about the bible when i said real scientific evidence. I was talking about how every geologic clock points to creation. Oh and if u say "oh u moron what about carbon 14" carbon 14 is not accurate. It once dated a living mollusk at 2300 years old, a mortar known to be less than eight hundred years old as 7370 years old, and fresh seal skins at 1300. Oh I can tell that it is perfectly accurate. Many things could alter the decay of carbon 14 such as atmospheric pollution, solar activity, cosmic radiation, and meteors or large cosmic bodies falling to earth. Im also talking about evidence like the fossil record which goes against evolution. Do u realize that no transitionary form has ever been found? (I mean something that instead of having either scales or feathers had something between the two or something like that). Another thing i noticed is that evolution teaches that as things got older they evolved into something better. Well, I've noticed something. Usually over time things get worse not better. If you take a shiny new office building and just leave it to sit, it will eventually fall down. This is called the law of entropy(aka the 2nd law of thermodynamics which if u dnt know is one of the laws of science that is least disputed. So if this law of science, emphasis on science says that evolution is not possible because things, left to themselves, in natural conditions, get worse then how can evolution be true?). Also the most important laws of science, the laws of thermodynamics, are actually predicted in scripture. If u want me to tell u chapter and verse i can. If u dnt know what the laws if thermodynamics is, then u can ask me that too. U ask me where God came from. He has always existed. To be honest that is all i can tell u. But before u get all giddy with victory. U still have not answered my question; where did the atom come from? If the laws of thermodynamics are true and have always been true( which isn't that what evolution teaches?; the law of uniformity and all that) then if the atom has always existed then why hasn't the universe burned out? I can give u much more evidence. All i know is what I have found in my studies. Math proves evolution wrong. It is mathematically impossible. I will be posting the actual figures in the paper that i am writing at this time for the purpose that whenever i see a post like this i can respond. Because i like to have all my thoughts in one place. I am a better debater if i take my time so that is what I am doing. I do not think evolutionists themselves are retarded, i just think that they are a little blinded. I am a proud christian. I personally see the evidence for creation. A book that i would have you read if you are a creationist who doesn't know what the facts r and just knws the truth is "unlocking the mysteries of creation. I would encourage evolutionists to read it too and see if they can refute what it says.
Psalm 46:10 He says, "Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."
Junior Journalist of the Dal Riata Daily Enquirer
Proud Clansman of Divergent