you start the quest from the guy in the fountain
wyrm quests for lower to mid levels (i'm level 139) - Other world
Dragon quest for higher levels (my friend is lvl 171) - Carrowmore
I got an invisibility potion. - 62K xp
She got a resto crate - 250K ish xp
Good one! and yes, it doesn't matter who you group, you all complete the quest!
Nice one OTM. it really encourages "working together" in this festive season.
Re: New daily xp quest
#12ah thxyou start the quest from the guy in the fountain
wyrm quests for lower to mid levels (i'm level 139) - Other world
Dragon quest for higher levels (my friend is lvl 171) - Carrowmore
I got an invisibility potion. - 62K xp
She got a resto crate - 250K ish xp
Good one! and yes, it doesn't matter who you group, you all complete the quest!
Nice one OTM. it really encourages "working together" in this festive season.
Re: New daily xp quest
#14+1This quest is awesome imo and id like to see it, or some variation of it, stay in the game permanently. It gives us all something else to do besides grind mobs and it forces us to group to kill it. Myself and others in my clan have grouped with members of the opposing clan to get this done today. That never happens on our server! Its a great improvement to the game and i think the best part of this event.
The greatest warrior to ever grace Arawn
Brother to Jcbeast
The greatest warrior to ever grace Arawn

Brother to Jcbeast
Re: New daily xp quest
#15Nice work atm. You refreshed the game.
Ranger since Winter Event 2011
222 in Danu
222 in Danu
Re: New daily xp quest
#16+1000 to make it permanent. we need way more xp quests and lvling shouldnt even be based around grinding even tho that will never change.
Re: New daily xp quest
#18Wyverns in carrow take ages to spawn, it took pretty much the whole day just to complete it. I probably coulda done 5+ killains in the time it took me to complete the quest
192 -- Mage (lure monkey since that's all OTM made mages good for)
188 -- Rogue
~InnerCircle of Rhiannon~
I am a forum guide , have any questions? I'm sure I can answer for a minimal fee of 500g a word (kidding)
188 -- Rogue
~InnerCircle of Rhiannon~
I am a forum guide , have any questions? I'm sure I can answer for a minimal fee of 500g a word (kidding)
Re: New daily xp quest
#19It's an extra and I think a nice extra. Just let clan members or people shout in area when one spawns and just hop in a group and kill it. Even if it takes a day it's a nice bonusWyverns in carrow take ages to spawn, it took pretty much the whole day just to complete it. I probably coulda done 5+ killains in the time it took me to complete the quest

Re: New daily xp quest
#20I'm doing the wyrm quest in ow at my level. I find I can make the xp in 6 min (less than 2 on lix) but the quest takes 30 min to complete (not counting waitin for them to spawn). So for me it's about 5x slower than regular grinding.It's an extra and I think a nice extra. Just let clan members or people shout in area when one spawns and just hop in a group and kill it. Even if it takes a day it's a nice bonusWyverns in carrow take ages to spawn, it took pretty much the whole day just to complete it. I probably coulda done 5+ killains in the time it took me to complete the quest
Not to say its not good for some. I imagine if your 180+ it's actually quite good.
I for one evaluate it based on xp/hour or the rate of change of my xp. Got a 500health pot and defense pot from quest. Don't think I'll be doing it anymore.
Member of Aeon - Taranis - 24 boxer
220+ toons
Ravenleaf druid - Silverstring ranger
Stormsong warrior - Nwerb Mage - Eventide Rogue
Toon histogram:
# of toons|_5__|___16___|____3___|__11__|__21_|407|
220+ toons
Ravenleaf druid - Silverstring ranger
Stormsong warrior - Nwerb Mage - Eventide Rogue
Toon histogram:
# of toons|_5__|___16___|____3___|__11__|__21_|407|